Saturday, March 31, 2012

What is Gluten Free? What are Gluten-Foods?

Today, there are a lot of articles on internet that discuss about gluten-foods (as the name suggests, they are foods that contain gluten). Gluten is a specific protein that can be found in certain foods. It should be avoided by people with celiac disease. What is gluten free? And why do people need to do a celiac disease diet or gluten-free diet?

You might also like to read can you use gluten free diet for weight loss, before continuing!

Gluten free is usually referred to a kind of diet that is free of any foods that contain gluten. Generally, gluten is often common to be found in barley, rye, and wheat. And you should clearly understand that gluten-free diet is not weight loss diet!

The following are pieces of helpful information about why people should do gluten-free diet, so thus you can understand what actually gluten free is!

Symptoms of Celiac Disease!

Celiac disease is a lifelong condition that can occur if the gluten influences the respond of immune system, which eventually can harm the small intestine. This disease can lead to some serious health problems, particularly can reduce the ability of the body to absorb nutrient from the foods that we eat. So, what are symptoms of celiac disease?

-- You might also like to know more about foods that contain gluten, before continuing!

There are some celiac disease symptoms, but keep remember that all of them cannot be used to make a diagnosis. Therefore, don’t jump directly to the conclusion only through these symptoms! You have to see your doctor to get a clearly diagnosis and for more detailed information!

Celiac Disease Diet: What You Should Know?

One of increasingly popular diseases at these days is celiac disease. It is a condition in people who have a problem when eating certain foods that contain gluten. This disease can make the immune system (natural defense system) of patient can harm the small intestine, which eventually can lead to some serious health problems. Therefore, people with this disease or gluten allergies must do a therapy what we call as ‘celiac disease diet’ in order to eliminate or avoid any foods that contain gluten!

What is gluten? It is a kind of protein, but cannot be found in eggs or meats. It is more likely to be found in barley, rye, and wheat! What else you should know about celiac disease diet? Here are several helpful checklists (keep reading)!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast?

Are you looking for easy ways to lose weight fast? Do you can lose your weight fast? Sure, you can do it and there are a lot of articles that discuss this issue on internet. But, the big questions: Can you do it safely and can you keep permanently the result of your instant process?

-- You might also be interested to read about top secrets on how to lose your weight without exercise, before continuing!

Are you satisfied with easy ways to lose weight fast that you choose, but in fact you just only regain your weight? In many cases, the instant process are more likely to give the instant result (temporarily result).

Weight Loss Tips for Women (Simple Ideas)

Are you a woman who wants to drop more pounds of your weight? Have you found the best steps that work successfully? Here are some painless weight loss tips for women! -- You might also like to know about top reasons of why women cannot lose weight easily, before continuing!

Whatever the method that you choose, make sure you can enjoy it otherwise the chance of failure of your diet will be higher. If you can enjoy your diet, you can do it with fun and so thus you can feel that any steps in your diet is painless. Just keep focus to your goal and make your healthy diet become your lifestyle, and then you will find a successful result.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Foods that Boost Metabolism

The performance of your body can give a significant effect to the result of your effort to lose your weight. Fortunately whatever how old you are, you can still increase your metabolism. And one of familiar ideas is by considering “how and what you eat”! So, what are foods that boost metabolism?

We can find some foods or beverages on internet that are believed can be helpful to promote good metabolism. But which are actually some of them that work more optimally?

How to Lose Weight without Exercise?

It is undeniable that exercise is one of the keys to burn effectively more pounds of your weight. But there are also some ways on how to lose weight without exercise! Let’s explore more this issue -- but you might also like to read about how to increase your metabolism, before continuing (having better metabolism is very helpful to lose weight more easily)!

In this modern living, weight loss topic is increasingly popular day by day. In line with the technological developments (particularly with more modern transportation), people are more likely to move easily from one location to another without needing a lot of energy. This is good for business, but not for your health (especially for your weight).

Yes’- we can find a lot of trick to lose weight without exercise, but the result will be much better if you also do the right exercise (unless if you have no another option or you have physical limitations)!

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely?

In fact, the instant process is still more popular option when it comes to losing weight! But be careful and make sure all steps in your diet are also safe. Avoid a crash diet that usually suggests consuming extremely less calories (like fewer than your BMR (Rest Metabolic Rest)). So, how to lose weight quickly and safely?

-- You might also like know more about simple ways to lose weight in a week, before continuing!

We can find many articles on internet that explore a lot of methods to lose weight quickly. Unfortunately, in several cases an effective method that works well for some people may not work well for your body. Quickly losing weight is pretty controversial topic, which can involve a widely range of methods and steps.

Lose Weight in 2 Weeks with Simple Secrets!

Today, we can find a lot of tips to lose weight in 2 weeks on internet! But you may be confused where to start after reading all of articles that you find. Whatever the greatest tips that you find, without real practice then you will get nothing! -- You might also like to know about top secrets on how to lose weight without exercise, before continuing!

Generally, I think there are 3 basic steps that you should clearly understand on losing weight in 2 weeks. And if you can be master to practice these steps, losing weight is something that can be done not too difficultly. These basic steps include: (1) Get to know your BMR (the amounts of calories that are burned by the body at rest)! (2) Record anything that you eat and all daily physical activities in 2 weeks! (3) And create a lot of substantial calorie deficits /day with the combination between regular exercise to burn more calories (keep active in your daily activities) and eating properly!

Lose Weight in a Week with Simple Things

We all agree that by keeping focus to your health goals and doing positive lifestyle approaches are the best answers to keep ideal weight of your body. There are some simple things that you can use consistently to result a satisfied result for your weight loss program. How to lose weight in a week with simple things?

-- You might also like to read about how to lose weight without exercise, before continuing!

Many people with obesity often ignore some little things in their diet. They usually only focus to big efforts, like changes in their diet menu or even something that can be very dangerous to their health (such as eat less extremely (fewer than 1000 calories /day))!

You can focus to the major advices of your diet program, but don’t forget to some simple things! The following are helpful tips on how to lose weight in a week with simple things.

Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Increase Metabolism (Simple Ideas)?

Talking about weight loss ideas, the conversation is often directed to ideas on how to increase metabolism! Better metabolism of your body will help to burn your calories or extra fat more easily. -- You might also like to know more about best foods to boost your metabolism, before continuing!

No matter how old you are, or how overweight you are -- you have power & chance to boost & increase your metabolism! There are a lot of ways that you can do! And if you can keep focus to your health goals, more pounds that you can burn is something that can be reached not too difficultly.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Much Caffeine in Green Tea

(Image credit to ‘Akira Kaede -Getty Images’)
What does come in your mind when talking about green tea? Its health benefits, its great taste that can encourage your mood in the morning, weight loss, or caffeine content? Let’s explore more for the last issue -- How much caffeine in green tea?

Yes, there are some amounts of caffeine in green tea, but they are relatively less than if compared to other beverages (such as other tea or coffee). Moreover, there is also available ‘caffeine-free of green tea /decaffeinated green tea’ to accommodate some medical purposes!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is Green Tea Good for You (Top Reasons)?

If you love drinking tea, you might be familiar with green tea! Is green tea good for you? And why you should choose it instead of other beverages?

Before continuing to read, (if you are tea lover) you may also like to read the previous article about matcha green tea powder! It is a high class (premium class) of green tea. A cup of matcha tea is believed to the equivalent of 10 green tea cups (in terms of antioxidant content and nutritional value).

Matcha Green Tea Powder (Helpful FAQs)

What you should know about matcha green tea powder? You may be familiar with this tea, or on the other hand you never hear it before? Here are pieces of helpful information (helpful FAQs) about it! -- You might also like to know about how much caffeine in green tea, before continuing!

Matcha is one of high classes or premium classes of green tea. It is so familiar in Asia, particularly in Japan; therefore it is also familiar known as a unique Japanese tea. It can be enjoyed with a cup of tea or also can be used for a nice ingredient in Asian recipes (but there are now also available for some western recipes with matcha). 

Furthermore, it is also so familiar involved for one of the most important elements in Japanese traditional ceremonies.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Matcha Green Tea Benefits

(Image credit to ‘Lew Robertson’)
There are a lot of types of tea (such as; white, black, or red tea) but what are factors that can make a matcha tea so special? And what are matcha green tea benefits? Why you should choose it? -- Read also more FAQs of matcha green tea powder, before continuing!

What is the best tea? The answer is pretty much controversial. Yes, we can find a lot of studies that explore tea plant benefits, but most of these studies are usually only directed to compare different beverages (such tea vs. coffee). 

Generally, all different forms of tea plant can be helpful to promote a positive health to the body.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Green Tea Extract Benefits and Side Effects

What are green tea extract benefits? Why you should choose it to encourage the health of your body? And what are side-effects that you should also concern as well?

As well we know that green tea is one of popular ancient superfoods that can be great idea to give a lot of health-promoting effects. You may also be interested to read about matcha green tea (high quality of green tea), before continuing!

In green tea, we can find polyphenols which is useful natural compounds to promote good health for our body. Polyphenols also can be found in red wine, vegetables, and dark berries. It can be helpful to against cancer and keep the balance of the cholesterol in the body.

Short Term Memory Loss Causes

There are many possible short term memory loss causes! But in many cases, the risk of developing memory loss is relatively higher in older people. In other words, the natural progression of our age is one of the most major causes.

You might also like to read about best foods to get smarter and helpful tips to protect your memory, before continuing!

Although short term memory loss is common as we get older, but this progression can be more quickly to develop due to other disorders or external factors!

Memory Loss Causes and Treatments

Memory loss can be so serious if it can affect your daily lives. As you get older, the chance of memory loss will rise. What are memory loss causes? And what you should know for the treatments? Before continuing to read this article, read also a helpful article about ideas to protect your memory!

If you have memory problems (increasingly forgetful) and they interfere with your daily life, you may need to make an appointment with your doctor to get more advices and clearly diagnosis. Don’t wait until your symptoms get worse!

Vascular Dementia Stages and Prognosis

Before talking about vascular dementia stages and prognosis, first let’s clearly understand what actually it is! In older people, it is one of the common major causes (after Alzheimer’s disease) of dementia.

About 15-20 percent of dementia cases are caused by vascular dementia. But unfortunately, there is no exact number of individuals with this certain form of dementia, because it is not easy to diagnose. Many experts believe that it can occur because of a poor supply nutrients & O2 to the part of the brain (not due to break down of the brain’s nerve cells like in the Alzheimer’s disease)!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Early Onset Dementia Symptoms and Diagnosis

A condition when someone experiences the deterioration of mental ability (particularly like decreased judgment, language, & memory) is a general definition of dementia. And talking about early onset dementia, it is usually the term used to represent a range of conditions (deterioration of mental functionalities) that can give effects to memory & thinking in individuals under 65 years of age. Then what are early onset dementia symptoms?

Read also about what are causes of dementia, before continuing!

Generally, as we get older then the risk of acquiring dementia is higher! Deterioration of mental functionality can affect about’ 1 in 14 people over 65 years of age’, which usually will rises steeply become ‘1 in 6 people over 80 years of age’.

Lewy Body Dementia Symptoms and Prognosis

As the name suggests, ‘DLB’ or ‘Dementia Lewy Bodies’ is the familiar term used for a dementia that is caused by lewy bodies in the brain. DLB is a group of disorders!

There is still unknown reason for the presence of leyw bodies in the brain. It is basically normal proteins (small round clumps) in the brain. But without unclearly reason, these clumps become abnormally clumped inside brain cells (neurons). And the new abnormally clumped then will impair the function of the brain cells or even will kill the brain cells.

Causes and Signs of Dementia

As well we know that older people are more likely to have a slightly deprivation of memory which doesn’t significant effects to the daily lives. But as you get older, this problem is getting worse and may give negative effects to your daily lives. If you experience this problem, you should begin to ask to yourself whether you have dementia or not! So, what are causes and signs of dementia?

You might also be interested to know more about vascular dementia stages and prognosis, before continuing!

Dementia is a condition when we get the worse of memory loss (or a loss of mental skills) which can affect to our daily lives. Finally, it can influence significantly on how we to use our memory to think or make a plan. The progress of this disease is different from person to person. Some patients can lose their skills quickly, but others can stay the same for over years.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Congestive Heart Failure Diet (Helpful Tips)

The condition of when the heart get inability to pump blood effectively (unable to circulate adequate O2 to the body) is familiar known as ‘congestive heart failure (CHF)’! And there are a lot of possible causes and diseases that can lead to CHF. One of important treatments is changes in lifestyle, including ‘how & what’ to eat or familiar known as congestive heart failure diet!

This diet is purposed to maintain the blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels, fluid balance, weight of the body, and so on. Whatever the treatments that your doctor recommend, they are expected to help relieving the symptoms and complications of CHF.

The following are common helpful tips in congestive heart failure diet, but don’t forget to discuss more with your dietitian to get more advices!

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

How to prevent and reverse heart disease? There are a lot of articles on internet that discuss these issues, and you can find them easily by using some credible search engine like Google or Bing. However, changes in lifestyles (if you seriously want to prevent heart disease) and tight control of your medications (if you have been diagnosed with certain heart disease) are the most often common answers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Congestive Heart Failure Prognosis

About 22 million people or more have been living with congestive heart failure (CHF) -- according to World Health Organization. In other words, there are a lot of death cases due to heart disease. Therefore today there are also a lot of researches to find a satisfied answer of congestive heart failure prognosis!

More researches will encourage to the development of treatments to get a better chance of congestive heart failure prognosis. If you have CHF, your treatment is usually closely associated to the severity of your heart failure condition. The treatments may include; medications, helpful therapies, or even certain surgeries if necessary.

Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs

The inabilities of the dog’s heart to supply adequate blood circulation to meet the requirements of the body can lead to some serious health problems. Congestive heart failure in dogs is usually the term used to describe these conditions. The circulatory failure can impair the function of lungs, liver, and kidneys, or other organs of the dog’s body, which eventually can lead to a problem implicating multiple organs!

You may also like to know more about Lyme disease symptoms in dog and dog arthritis treatment, before continuing!

Congestive heart failure (CHF) in dogs is relatively more common in older dogs. The change of acquiring the disease in your dog is closely associated to the family history of your dog itself. In other words, genetic has a big role of developing CHF!

Congestive Heart Failure Treatment

You should clearly understand that congestive heart failure treatment is a team effort. Your team may consist of your doctors, social workers, pharmacists, nurse, dietitians or even exercise professionals. Your team will encourage you to get successfully result of your treatment.

You may also like to read the previous article about prognosis of congestive heart failure, before continuing!

However, the success of the treatment is closely dependent on your own! In other words, although there are a lot of members of your team but the key player is ‘YOU’. So, you have a big role to play the goal success of the treatment, which including your effort to change your lifestyles become positive healthy lifestyles, stay focus on your follow-up appointments, be always active in the team, take appropriately your medicine, make your dietary changes, and so on!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

In several cases, the symptoms of congestive heart failure are not present (in other words, you may experience no any symptoms). On the other hand, the symptoms can occur with mild to severe signs, which can ‘come & go’ or be constant.

What is Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)?

There is an opinion that interprets CHF with the stopped beating of the heart! But this perception is wrong. So, what is congestive heart failure (CHF)? And what are causes of this disease? -- Read also symptoms of congestive heart failure!

Generally, a condition when the heart cannot work well to deliver O2 rich blood to the body is what we call as congestive heart failure! In other words, it is the inability of our heart to pump blood adequately to meet the body needs.

Congestive Heart Failure Life Expectancy

What you should know about congestive heart failure life expectancy? Before talking about life expectancy, you may need to know about what congestive heart failure is! You should clearly understand that it doesn’t mean the stopped working of the heart. But it is often referred to the weaker condition of the heart’s pumping power.

You may also like to know more about congestive heart failure diet and treatment -- before continuing!

It can cause the movement of blood through the body and heart at slower rate, and on the other hand the pressure increases in the heart. And if this condition continuing can cause poor performance of the heart to pump nutrients and O2 to meet your body’s requirements, which eventually will lead to the fluid builds up in the lungs, ankles, legs, feet, arms, or other organs (if these conditions are present, the body become congested or familiar known as ‘congestive heart failure’ to describe these conditions).

Monday, March 12, 2012

What are Causes of Heart Disease

A constant blood supply to the heart is so important to keep well the performance of your heart. And the coronary arteries and veins are so vital to provide a constant blood supply. One of the most frequently asked questions is "What are causes of heart disease?"

You might also like to read about heart attack symptoms in women and  in men, before continuing!

Well, there are a lot of possible causes! But in many cases, doctors believe that ‘bad lifestyle factors’ and ‘genetic’ are two big issues which can lead to a blocked coronary artery and finally can cause e a serious problem for the constant supply blood to the heart.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to Prevent Heart Disease?

Can heart disease be prevented, if so how to prevent it? As well we know that it is one of popular causes of death in this modern living. It is divided into several types, and each type has different symptoms. But chest pain (more typically in men) and shortness of breath are the common symptoms of all types of heart disease.

One of great ideas to prevent heart disease is by clearly knowing and controlling the controllable risk factors for heart disease, which may include smoking, having high levels of blood pressure & LDL (bad cholesterol), being physically inactive, and so on.

Risk Factors for Heart Disease

If you seriously want to lower your risk of developing heart disease, you should also clearly understand about what are risk factors for heart disease. Generally, there are two major categories of heart disease risk factors; uncontrollable and controllable risk factors.

You may also like to know more about symptoms of heart disease, before continuing!

About more than 7 million Americans have experienced a heart attack in their lifetime -- according to the American Heart Association! And about 1.2 million cases of heart attack /year are caused by coronary artery disease, which in these cases about 40 % of patient were dead. Even about 335,000 people were dead before arriving in their hospital.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men

Heart attack is one of the most popular serious diseases in this modern living. It can attack anyone, either men or women. And what are heart attack symptoms in men? Let’s explore more the answer in this article. Read also about heart attack signs in women!

In fact, (according to CDC) heart attack is the top cause of death for men in the U.S! About 427,000 men in the US were death due to this disease in 2003. Therefore, it’s so important for all of us to clearly understand and familiar enough with some common symptoms of heart attack in order to get better chance of survival.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

What are heart attack symptoms in women? Before continuing to read this article, don’t forget to read also the previous related article about common symptoms of heart disease!

It is undeniable that one of the serious diseases that can kill a lot of people in this modern living is heart disease. Even this disease kills more women /year than any other diseases. Men are more likely to show up at hospital with chest pain than women. This is one of facts why heart attack symptoms in women are slightly difficult to be recognized.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Symptoms of Heart Disease

If you are looking for symptoms of heart disease, first you have to clearly understand that there are several types of heart disease which each type may has different signs or symptoms. -- Read also causes of heart disease and how to prevent it!

Generally, some types of heart disease include; pericarditis, congenital heart disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, MI (Myocardial Infarction), cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease), congenital heart disease, heart valve disease, arrhythmia, and coronary artery disease.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Type-1 diabetes (or also familiar known as ‘IDDM’ or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) is less common than type 2 diabetes.  It is a lifelong disease that can occur when the pancreas organ cannot make any insulin. It can develop at anyone and any age, but typically develops in young adults and children (particularly before 30 of the age). What else you should know about type 1 diabetes in children?

What causes and how do you get type 1 diabetes?

Generally, diabetes (either in type 1 or type 2 diabetes) can develop when the body is no longer to control or regulate blood sugars.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yeast Infection in Babies (Thrush)

(Image credit © to ‘WebMD')
If you are looking for yeast infection in babies, thrush is one of the most common cases. It is a yeast infection that can lead to white patches on the tongue and in the mouth, which usually more common in older adults and babies. Nevertheless, thrush can occur at any age (so it is not only restricted to babies or older adults).

You may also like to know and read about whooping cough in babies, before continuing!

In several cases, a yeast infection in babies is often a mistake to diagnosis thrush for formula (or milk).  Generally, the characteristics of thrush are similar like milk curds or cottage cheese. Avoid wiping the white patches of thrush because this idea will not be helpful to make better, but on the other hand will make them sore and red. Babies with a yeast infection (like thrush) usually will not be easy to persuade them to eat, and even they can be cranky!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Abnormal vs. Normal Vaginal Discharge

Talking about women’s health, there are a lot of topics to explore and one of them is about abnormal and normal vaginal discharge. First, you may need to understand more what actually vaginal discharge is! You might also like to know more about causes of vaginal yeast infections, before continuing!

Vaginal discharge actually has an important housekeeping role and function for the female reproductive system, which generally has a significant contribution to keep clean the female genital area and even also so helpful to prevent infection. The fluid is usually produced from glands (one of important & vital components in vagina) and then will be used by cervix to carry away any dead cells.

When to Contact a Doctor (Yeast Infection in Women)?

One of the frequent asked questions is when you call a doctor if you have yeast infection? As well we know when talking about yeast infections in women then vaginal yeast infection is the major case!

The big reason of this infection is an overgrowth of Candida yeast. This yeast usually normally lives in some areas of the body (including in the genital area). The problem occurs when due a certain condition or external factor, the environment of Candida yeasts can be so ideal to make them to overgrow (read more about causes of vaginal yeast infections).