Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in young men!

Though erectile dysfunction ‘ED’/(also familiar known as ‘impotence’) is relatively more common in older men, but there are also a few young men that experience this problem or even maybe much more than we would think! And unfortunately, some of them are more likely to choose certain drugs of impotence without a doctor’s prescription. What else you need to know about erectile dysfunction in young men? Keep reading!

You might also like to read about how to boost your sex with lifestyle approaches and fertility enhancers for men & women, before continuing!

A study in Chicago (Children’s Memorial Hospital) that involved about ‘234 men - the age of 18-25’ found that the percentage of participants who reported ever having trouble on keeping/getting an erection is about 13 percent. And about 25 percent for those who reported/found ever losing an erection control when putting on a condom! But this research does not explain how often those young men experienced erection problems.

Many young men with ED are more likely to hide their problem or rarely consult with any medical workers. That’s why (according to this study) health care workers should be more active to begin the conversation. Furthermore, researchers also always remind about the importance of using condom in the sexual intercourse to eliminate the risk of STD (sexually transmitted disease).

Common causes of ED

There are many causes that can lead to erective dysfunction. Generally, it can be caused by physical & psychological factors.

Almost any disease can contribute to alter hormonal systems, vascular, and nervous system which then eventually may affect the erectile function. Some of these diseases may include:
  1. Blood disease such as leukemias and sickle cell anemia!
  2. Some mental conditions, such as performance anxiety and depression!
  3. Some endocrine conditions, such as hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism!
  4. Nervous-system diseases, such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, etc.
  5. Health problems associated with nutrition intake, such as zinc deficiency and malnutrition.
  6. And some systematic diseases, like over iron in the blood (hemochromatosis), cancer, renal/kidney failure, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and scleroderma!
Other causes of ED may include:
  1. Vascular diseases which occur in almost a half of all older men (over the age of 50) with ED. Factors that put men at higher risk of vascular diseases which then put them at higher chance of experiencing ED may include; cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and a history of heart attack.
  2. Bicycle riding for longer periods may also contribute to ‘trauma to pelvic nerves & pelvic blood vessels’. Therefore, there are now more new bicycles that have the friendly seats in order to give soften pressure on the area between ‘scrotum and anus’ or also called perineum!
  3. Penile problems/conditions, such as; priapism and peyronie!
  4. Furthermore, there are also some medications and surgical procedures that may affect the erectile function. Talk more with a doctor for more in-depth information!
Causes of erectile dysfunction in young men

Unlike in older men, ED/impotence in young men is more often associated with psychological conditions/problems instead of physical problems. Poor/bad communication with the sexual partner may increase anxiety and tension.

Some of psychological conditions that may contribute to erectile dysfunction in young men are; childhood sexual abuse, personal sexual fears, stress, rejection by peers/parents, feelings/problems of inadequacy, fatigue, and depression.
Reference: WebMD
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in young men! By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-05-01T02:44:00-07:00 Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in young men! 3 11 reviews