Monday, February 13, 2012

Late Period (Top 5 Reasons)

Late period or missed period is something that can strike fear into the heart of women, unless some of them who are trying to have a baby or get pregnant. There are some factors or reasons that can cause a missed period. -- You may also like to read about late period on birth control!

As well we know that a later period is one of the most popular early signs of pregnancy, even it can be categorized into one of the strong early symptoms of pregnancy. However, sometimes a missed period can be used for the indication that there is something wrong with your body, such as some health problems. So, what are causes or reasons of a late period? Below are some of those reasons!

Menopause & peri-menopause!

A woman with menopause will no longer menstruate or ovulate. Therefore, a late period can be used for the indication of peri-menopause (the period of time that refers the transition to a non-reproductive age from reproductive age), especially for old women.

It is normal for all women to get menopause in old age, but sometimes menopause may occur surgically through chemical (like chemotherapies) or through hysterectomy. Read also symptoms of perimenopause and menopause!

You are being in the not-ideal weight

For some women, either being overweight or underweight may also give contribution for the one of factors that will cause a missed period. There is no clearly link that can explain the correlation about being overweight (or underweight) and a late period.

But most women will get a return to normal cycles with a weight gain program (while being underweight) or loss of some weight (while being overweight).

The effect of your medication

In some cases, the chance of a late period is also high while you are being in a new medication. Therefore, it’s better to ask first to your midwife or doctor about any effects of a new medication that you want to try, particularly if you want to try some methods or types of birth control.

Illness and Stress

Your period can be delayed due to a longer illness or even a short illness, but this effect is usually not permanent and you will get back your normal cycles after recovery.

Then another reason of late period is stress. It is not only bad for your health and productivity but also can effect to your period. Stress can lead to the lowering of GnRH (the amount of hormone associated to the menstruation or ovulation).

Miscalculation of your irregular cycles

It’s not difficult to catch a late period if you have regular cycles. On the other hand, for some women with irregular cycles, the determination of the first date of the menstruation is slightly difficult, and therefore the chance to get wrong calculation or miscalculation is high. So (if you have irregular cycles) make sure first that you calculate your cycles correctly before you conclude that you get a late period!

-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration