Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Missed Period - What are the causes?

Do you have a missed period? What are the causes that can lead to a missed period? Well…Generally, menstrual periods of most women between 13-11 times for each year! But you may get fewer or more. However, irregular periods or missed periods should be looked and considered at in terms of what is normal or not for you!

The few years after the fist menstruation begins, periods are usually irregular, because there are needed several years to get a balance hormone to control menstruation. Moreover-- at the other end of menstrual years, menstruation may also be so irregular!

A missed period can be a strong symptom that you are pregnant, and sign of approaching menopause for older people (especially if they get a missed period more than 12 months or if they have not had the menstrual periods).

What are the causes of a missed period or any else that can cause an irregular period?
  1. There are many cases in women with breast-feeding will not get regular periods that they have before until they get a completed breast-feeding!
  2. Your missed period is influenced or even closely associated to the hormones in your body to support and control menstruation. Therefore, it’s reasonable if hormone problem can disturb your menstruation.
  3. Illegal drug use, illness, stress, and even a travel also can trigger a missed period.
  4. Caused by bulimia and anorexia (eating disorders).
  5. Then there may be something wrong with pelvic organs. Some problems associated with pelvic organs include; Asherman's and polycystic ovary syndrome. Moreover, imperforate hymen also can cause a problem to the pelvic organs.
  6. You get too heavy exercise or increased exercise. In endurance athletes, a missed period is nothing special or common.
  7. Birth-control methods or medicines may also disturb your menstrual periods to be more frequent, less frequent, skipped-periods, or lighter periods!
  8. You have not-ideal-weight! Over-weight or lower-weight also can lead to problems to cause a missed period or irregular periods.
What else you need to know about a missed period?
  1. Relaxed is one thing that so important you have to do if you have skipped period. You need to relax your body (keep far away from stress and fatigue) to get back your normal periods!
  2. Ovarian failure also can occur before age of 40 (familiar know as premature ovarian failure), which usually can be caused by radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a certain surgery to the pelvis or abdomen.
  3. In rare cases, missed periods also can be caused by diabetes, tuberculosis, liver disease, & irritable-bowel syndrome.
  4. And you have to clearly understand about the importance of birth-control if you seriously don’t want to get pregnant. One thing you should remember; if you are not menstruating then this doesn’t mean you cannot become pregnant. Once again if you don’t want to get pregnant then practice birth control properly!
--Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration