Thursday, May 3, 2012

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Naturally

When it comes to decreasing blood pressure, DASH diet is one of the common recommendations. It stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It is a kind of diet that high in vegetables, fruits, and other low-fat dairies (low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and total fat). Many studies found that people with hypertension who did the DASH diet had drastically lower blood pressure. So, what are foods that lower blood pressure naturally and even quickly & safely? Keep reading!

You might also like to read risk factors of hypertension and other effective ways to decrease blood pressure, before continuing!

DASH diet is also recommended by NIH (the National Institutes of Health). In fact, the level of your blood pressure is often associated with what foods that you eat.  Therefore, there are many dietary factors that can affect your blood pressure.

Some foods can be helpful to lower your blood pressure, but there are also some foods that can make it worse. Many studies found that less intake of sodium (salt) can help control the hypertension. On the other hand, vegetables & fruits (high in fiber, magnesium, and potassium) are good choices to lower blood pressure and therefore should be prioritized in your diet menu.

The following are some common foods you should prioritize on lowering your blood pressure naturally and quickly:

Low-fat dietary

Consuming low-fat dietary in moderation can boost up the bioavailability of calcium, and this is so important to keep well the performance of your body in absorbing.

Low-fat dietary products (like free-fat yogurt and milk) may be helpful on preventing hypertension -- according to a Dutch research that involved adults (the age of 55 & older). Furthermore, free-fat milk & yogurt is also good choice for the source of potassium and magnesium.

Black beans

They are high in fiber and protein. Even some studies found that the content of fiber & protein in black beans is relatively higher than other foods. Black beans can be good choice either for lowering high blood pressure or for lowering blood sugar. -- Read also some health benefits from black color foods!


All parts of this plant (from roots to leaves) are eatable (edible) and useful to cure a lot of health conditions in some countries in Europe and Asia. Dandelion is not only good for treating hypertension, but also can promote good health for your skin, vision (eyes), and liver.


Fish, especially wild (not farmed) cold-water fish (such as; herring, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines, halibut, cod, and tuna) is good source of omega-3 fats. That’s why it is pretty popular for good dietary in people with cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3s can reduce the level pressure in the arteries walls, which then can help lower your risk of stroke and heart attack.


They are high in antioxidant and fiber. That’s why all types of berry are good for your health, including for controlling your hypertension. Furthermore, berries (such as; raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries) are also good source of potassium and vitamin C.

Whole grain

Whole grain (whole-grain oats) is also recommended in DASH diet. Whole-grain oats are high in magnesium and fiber.

A study found that patients with hypertension who consumed whole-grain oats in moderation had better improvement in their blood pressure after 3 months. Furthermore, oats may also help slow/reduce the plaque buildup in the blood vessels -- also familiar known as atherosclerosis!

Broccoli (high-fiber food)

It is a kind of super-food that high in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant. Furthermore, it is also rich in fiber, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which all of these nutrient properties are so good to lower high blood pressure. You can get 200% of vitamin C that you need daily from a cup of steamed broccoli, wow excellent!


Celery has been using in treating hypertension for more than a century. It has phthalides (a kind of phytochemicals) that can promote good performance for artery walls by relaxing the muscle tissue of the walls of arteries, which then eventually can help promote good blood flow in the blood vessels.

Other foods

Other foods (high in fiber, magnesium, and potassium) that lower blood pressure include:
  1. tomatoes
  2. potatoes
  3. squash
  4. raisins
  5. pineapples
  6. oranges
  7. mangoes
  8. kale
  9. grapes
  10. grapefruit
  11. green beans
  12. carrots
  13. beet greens
  14. apricots
  15. tangerines
  16. spinach
  17. melons
  18. lima beans
  19. green peas
  20. collards
  21. beet greens
  22. and bananas.
Note: Though these foods are helpful in lowering high blood pressure, but make sure you consume them in moderation! Because some of them are also high in calories, and therefore your risk of having obesity or other health conditions can increase if you eat them too much. And don’t forget to talk more with your dietitian or doctor to get more tips and advice to lower your blood pressure safely and quickly!
Health Tips And Lifestyle Foods that Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Naturally By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-05-03T21:08:00-07:00 Foods that Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Naturally 3 11 reviews