Friday, May 4, 2012

Signs of High Blood Pressure in Women, Men, and Children

In fact, most of people with hypertension (high blood pressure) don’t realize it, and this is the worst thing that can cause potentially life-threatening. Therefore, it is so important to check the level of blood pressure on a regular basis, particularly for individuals who have some risk factors of hypertension. And there are a few signs of high blood pressure that you should know! Let’s explore more!

You might also like to read about what is good blood pressure level and best foods to reduce blood pressure, before continuing!

Hypertension is common in adults (both women and men who are over 35 years of old), particularly more common in elderly people. Your risk of having it increases as you get older. Nevertheless, in rare cases it also can occur in kids or children. Hypertension in children is often associated with kidney/heart problems.

The risk of hypertension increases significantly after menopause in women. This may be caused by more hormonal changes that can lead to obesity (weight gain) and eventually make the blood pressure more reactive to sodium/salt in the diet. In several cases, HT (hormone therapy) for menopause may also lead to the rise of blood pressure.

The levels of the blood pressure can be categorized into 4 major categories; normal level, pre-hypertension, ‘stage I’ and ‘stage II’ of hypertension.

Generally, there are no any symptoms /signs of high blood pressure, but if the symptoms occur -- they may include:
  1. Pounding in the ears, neck, or chest.
  2. Abnormal heartbeats (irregular beats).
  3. Chest pain, which is usually relatively more common in men. Chest pain is also typical symptom of heart attack in men!
  4. Confusion/fatigue.
  5. You find blood in the urine.
  6. Problems associated with your vision.
  7. Difficult to breathe.
  8. And you may experience headache in severe stage.
These symptoms may tend to occur at the severe stage of hypertension, and on the other hand at the early stage these signs typically don’t occur. That’s why once again it’s so important to get a blood pressure test on regular basis.

Hypertension is serious health problem, which can lead to heart disease and even stroke. By keeping monitor the level of your blood pressure is good idea to control one of heart disease risk factors.

Ask completely to your doctor how often you should do blood pressure tests! Doctors usually recommend this test at least once in 2 years for anyone who over the age of 18. And you may need to do these tests more frequently if you have some or many risk factors of hypertension, heart disease, or cardiovascular disease. And for children, they usually get this test as part of their yearly checkups.

Fortunately, the blood pressure test is relatively easier (without pain) if compared to the cholesterol test or blood sugar test. You just need to get relax, and then you can use a blood pressure meter (sphygmomanometer or also often called as sphygmometer) to find out your blood pressure level. You can do it with your doctor or at home on your own with the right instructions from your doctor.

Reference: MayoClinic and WebMD
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Signs of High Blood Pressure in Women, Men, and Children By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-05-04T03:31:00-07:00 Signs of High Blood Pressure in Women, Men, and Children 3 11 reviews