Friday, December 7, 2012

Back Pain During Pregnancy - How to Relieve It?

(Image credit to Shutterstock)
The good news, you will have a baby and she/he is growing which is something should be happening. In line with your pregnancy, your baby is growing in size but this is also the reason of why you will shoulder more pounds in your back. And this can put you at higher chance of having back pain. So, how to ease or relieve back pain while pregnant?

Before continuing, you might also like to read the previous posts about first trimester screening FAQs (why you need to do it), and cramping during first trimester of pregnancy!

In fact, most pregnant women (about 70 % of all of them) will experience different degree of back pain. In other words, it is pretty common in pregnancy so you are not alone. Typically, it starts in the second trimester of pregnancy. But this doesn’t mean you will suffer the entire time. Fortunately, there are some ideas and effective ways to relieve /ease this symptom!

Pregnancy back pain – what are the causes of this symptom?

Generally this symptom can occur when your spine meets your pelvis – at the sacroiliac joint! And there are some factors that can lead to this condition. The following are some of these factors:
  1. Emotional stress! It’s undeniable that pregnant women are more likely to experience more ‘mood changes’ if compared when they are not pregnant. And did you know that your elevated emotional stress can generate some problems, such as generating muscle tension in your back which then you may feel back spasms or back pain. This is one of the reasons of why your back pain during pregnancy is also more likely to get worse at your stressful periods.
  2. Changes of some hormones in your body! Many people agree that pregnancy is one of the most challenging things in a woman’s life. During your pregnancy, you will experience some hormone changes – and one of them is hormone called relaxin. It is used to make your joints to become looser, and to relax your pelvic area in preparation for delivery process (birth process). But it also can lead to pain and instability as result of the looseness of ligaments that have crucial function to support your spine.
  3. The muscle abstraction! In line with your pregnancy, there is a chance for two parallel muscles that line from the pubic bone to the rib cage to separate. It may occur as your uterus expands to respond the growth of your baby. And this process may also put you at higher chance of developing back pain.
  4. Changes of your posture! When you are being pregnant, your posture changes can shift and influence your center of gravity. Then you will need to gradually adjust your posture –even you may need to adjust the way of how you to move. And these changes also can trigger strain /pain of your back. 
  5. Elevated weight of your body! Weight gain may be the most responsible factor for your back pain during pregnancy. Experiencing weight gain for pregnant women is very normal and common (read also how far you should go for weight gain of your pregnancy in here!). In essence, as the growth of your baby, your spine will get more pounds of tension to support your body. And this can put you at higher chance of having pain of your back.
Ways to ease /relieve back pain during pregnancy

There are some options to ease this symptom – from exercise, changes of your lifestyle, to complementary therapies or even medical intervention if necessary

Keep on good posture practice!

The center of your gravity is shifting forward in line with the growth of your baby. To compensate this condition, you are more likely to lean back which then the muscle of your lower back will strain to respond it. And the more tension of your lower back can contribute to cause back pain.

Fortunately, some principles of good posture can reduce this tension. The following are some keys for good posture practice:
  1. Avoid locking your knees.
  2. Position your chest properly – hold it high!
  3. Practice good standing – stand up straight!
  4. Relax and keep the shoulders back!
In addition, consider also a comfortably wide stand to find your best support when you stand. For instance - you can rest one of your feet on a low step stool when you need to stand for long periods (don’t forget also to take frequent breaks).

Do the appropriately exercises!

The exercises are intended to boost the flexibility of your muscles. It also can strengthen your muscles. There are some types of exercise to relieve back pain during pregnancy. These may include stationary cycling, water exercise (swimming), walking, etc.

(I)Water exercise

Doing exercise in the water is good idea. The water can give more support to your weight and back, so you can do more movement.

Check the policy of insurance that you have. Your health insurance may provide a discount of the cost for this kind of exercise. Each hospital usually has a special swimming pool for water exercise, and your insurance may partially or even completely cover the cost of accessing this facility.

(II) Prenatal yoga

It is a kind of yoga that aimed to relax certain parts of the body during pregnancy, including for your back. Again, check the policy of your insurance! You may be qualified to get a discount of health clubs in your local area that offer prenatal yoga class.

(III)Pelvic rocking /tilts

This exercise is intended to improve your posture, relieve your backache, and also help strengthen the muscles of your stomach. How to do pelvic tilts to relieve back pain during pregnancy? See the picture below!

(Image credit © to

Keep your back flat and elbows slightly bent. Contract the muscles of your stomach (do it gently), and then rotate the pelvis to allow your tailbone point toward the floor – then hold for about five seconds (-or a count of ‘5’) and release! Do these steps for 10-20 times!

Additionally, you can also try this exercise with leaning against the wall or lying down on the back. For pelvic tilts with lying on the back can be done until about 20-th week of your pregnancy.

(IV) Exercise to strengthen your low back

Below is a helpful picture from MayoClinic:

(Image credit © to MayoClinic)

This kind of exercise can ease your backaches. How to do it? Rest on the knees and hands – position your head in line with the back. Pull in your abdomen, slightly rounding your back! Hold for about a count of 3-5, then release – keep the back flat (as flat as possible)! Repeat these steps for about 10 times.

*** For more detailed information about these exercises, consult more with your physical therapist or doctor!

Heat & cold (massage therapy)

Massage therapy of heat & cold may also ease your back pain. But to keep safe, it’s much better to discuss first with your doctor before doing this kind of massage therapy!

You can do it alone or ask someone to help you. Prepare cold compresses (like with frozen vegetables wrapped in a proper towel/ a bag of ice) on your back, especially on the painful site of your back for about 15-20 minutes. Do it for several times a day!

Then switch to hot /warm compress after 2-3 days. You can use a bottle filled up with hot water /a heating pad to do this heat section – put it on the painful area of your back for several minutes. But remember - avoid applying any heat /cold to your stomach during pregnancy!

Choose the healthy shoes!

High heels should be avoided when you are being pregnant, particularly after your first trimester. This kind of shoes can throw your back out alignment. And this will get worse when you have additional weight of your belly during pregnancy.

Furthermore, using high heels will increase your chance of near fall /falls, and also can strain your back further. So, don’t take the risk! Supportive shoes and low-heeled are much more recommended – although they are not too good for fashion but they are the best choice for safety & comfort!

Get plenty of sleep with the most comfort position!

It’s important for a pregnant woman to have plenty of sleep every day. Adequate rest can help manage your stress. Even some studies found that it also may help reduce the risk of back pain.

When it comes for pain of your back, your doctor usually also recommend sleeping on your side –not on your back! You can try with a firm pillow, and then put it between your knees in order to keep your spine aligned, relieve back and pelvic pressure.

A study found that wedge-shaped pillow can give the most comfort position and most optimal result to ease back pain in pregnant women.

Don’t forget also to keep both /one of your knees bent! Moreover, placing a comfort small pillow under your belly may also help reduce the pressure on your hips. Choose the most comfort position that you believe can help improve the quality of you sleep and restore the health of your back!

Regular physical activity in your daily routine

Another idea to strengthen your back is by including some appropriately physical activities in your daily routine. Walking and swimming can be good choice for this idea – to keep safe and get more advice consult more with your healthcare provider!

Practice proper lifting!

We often bend our back when lifting an object, but you must avoid this habit! For better result to improve the health of your back, bent at your knees and then lift the object with your legs. See the image below for more detailed information!

(Image credit © to MayoClinic)

Use the best pillow to support your lumbar!

It the early pregnancy (first trimester) or even in the end of second trimester, you may still not need to leave your work. If you have a desk job that require long hours to sit on your office chair, then the use of lumbar support pillow can be essential to reduce your risk of backache during pregnancy.

As the name suggests, lumbar support pillow is specially designed to fit and support the lumbar of the body that can be helpful to keep the properly position of your back while sitting on the chair. This idea is significantly useful if you need to sit on your chair for long hours. However you should frequently stand up from your chair for better result – avoid sitting on your office chair too long without break!

Where you can get lumbar support pillow? You can purchase one online or in the medical supply stores in your local area.


As mentioned before, stress also can be a significant factor that causes backache during pregnancy. And if your symptom is closely associated with your stress level, counseling will be a great option to manage your stress which then eventually also will help improve your back pain.

Complementary therapies

There are some therapies that believed can help relieve backache during pregnancy. These may include:

(I) Chiropractic therapy

In general, chiropractor care is intended to adjust misaligned joints, particularly in the spine – which then will help relieve nerve stress. To gently adjust the misaligned joints in the spine, this therapy usually uses hand-on pressure.

A Sweden study and a journal of the Obstetrics and Gynecology confirmed that the chiropractic can help improve the symptom of back pain during pregnancy – particularly if it performed correctly. However to keep safe, you should discuss first with your doctor before taking this kind of therapy!

(II) Acupuncture

As well we know that this kind of therapy is a form of Chinese technique. In general, it uses thin needles that will be inserted to certain sites of your skin for several minutes. Is it painful? Most acupuncture patients say that it is less painful than a slight pin prick…lol

Though there are few studies to confirm the effectiveness of acupuncture, but some research found that it may work effectively to ease back pain during pregnancy – according to an article published on WebMD.

But however, again consult first with your doctor before taking acupuncture therapy. Moreover, your doctor may have a good recommendation of a medical acupuncturist.

When you should call /see your doctor?

In general, back pain itself is common symptom during pregnancy and therefore it should not be a reason to call a doctor. But you may need medical intervention if the symptom of your back pain doesn’t improve or even if it gets worse in line with your pregnancy. 

According to WebMD, see a doctor promptly if you have the following symptoms:
  1. Your pain gets worse (severe pain).
  2. Rhythmic pains of cramping.
  3. Your pain starts abruptly /if you experience unusual increased severe pain. 
Tylenols /acetaminophens are common medicine to treat back pain for pregnant women, but it’s much better to ask your doctor before taking any pain medications in order to keep safe! NSAIDs such as naproxen and ibuprofen are not recommended for pregnant women.

Also, remember to the signs of preterm labor. Back pain that followed with vaginal bleeding should be more concerned and you have to report it to your doctor! The symptom like dull backache may also signal a preterm labor. In essence, if you in doubt to your symptom – contact your doctor /healthcare provider promptly for more advice!