Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cramping While Pregnant in the First Trimester

(Image credit to 'Getty Images')
There are a lot of topics that we can explore when we are talking about pregnancy. And “Is it normal to experience cramp in the first trimester of pregnancy?”, -this is one of the most frequently asked questions, particularly if you are now being pregnant for the first time in your life. In general, cramping in the first trimester is normal, but how far it should be?

Before continuing, you might also like to read the previous post about best nutrition for the first trimester of pregnancy!

Cramping is not the single symptom that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. You may also have a range of other physical symptoms. While most cramping is normal, but there are also some cramps that should be more concerned. Overall if you experience any symptom that causes concern, it should be reported to your doctor!

Causes of first trimester cramping

The changing shape of your uterus is usually the major cause of this symptom. In the early of your pregnancy, your uterus will change (expanding) in order to respond the growing fetus.

Therefore, there is chance for uterus to cramp moderately to severely as it stretches. Furthermore, your uterus is also your vital muscle that will be significantly important to delivery your newborn in the world.

The reasons and causes of this symptom can vary depending on continuation, length, and severity of cramping. Other causes /reasons for cramping during pregnancy may include:
  1. The implementation of fetus /embryo into the wall of your uterine. After conception (about 8-10 days after conception), the uterine wall is essential to implement the fetus and hold it. This implementation may cause cramp, and usually also will be accompanied by mild bleeding (spotting). 
  2. More pressure on other organs! As mentioned before the enlarging uterus is usually the most common cause. But in pregnancy, the enlargement of uterus is not the single reason. The uterus also needs to rearrange its position to do the new task for the growth of fetus. These changes can make more pressure on other organs (such as your bladder, stomach, and even your internal organs). Moreover, you abdomen is also enlarging to provide more space and room for the enlargement of your uterus.
  3. Gastrointestinal problem! It is less common reason associated with cramping in the early of pregnancy. However, in fact most women with pregnancy are more susceptible to have gas problems as well as morning sickness (nausea & vomiting), heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation. These problems are usually caused by changes in their diets.
In addition, the gravity of the woman’s center also begins to shift in the first trimester. This occurs to respond the normally weight gain when you are being pregnant. 

And it can make the muscles and ligaments loosen throughout the body, which then may lead to discomfort and also pain. Sometimes this mechanism is also associated with back pain, leg & abdominal cramps as the body adapts to square up the new additional weight being added in line with the pregnancy.

Normal and abnormal cramping!

Once again, abdominal cramping and discomfort in your early pregnancy is one of the common symptoms. You may worry about the risk of miscarriage, but if it is only light cramping then you should not too worry.

Normal cramping usually begin shortly after conception – but it may also not occur until later in your pregnancy. Though it often makes you feel discomfort, but in general it can be a sign that your pregnancy is continuously progressing.

However, sometimes this symptom also can be a sign of certain problems associated with pregnancy, such as miscarriage or even ectopic pregnancy (it occurs when your fertilized egg implant in the wrong place (not on the uterus wall – but usually in the fallopian tubes)).

Heavier /severe cramping that is also followed with other unusual symptoms should be more concerned! Severe cramping with sharp lower stomach pain may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. And when it occurs with heavy bleeding (bright light bleeding), this may be a sign of threatened miscarriage.

If you experience these symptoms, see your doctor promptly in order to find a clearly diagnosis and more advice for the best choice!

What you should do?

For normal cramping, proper nutrition and hydration is one of the best remedies to treat this symptom. Your doctor may also prescribe additional prenatal vitamin if necessary. Keegel exercise is usually suggested after birth, it is intended to restore the normal shape of the uterus and improve the muscles of uterus and abdomen.

To ease this symptom, you should also have adequate rest and sleep. Furthermore, relaxation technique may also help ease your cramping – this therapy is useful to ease the mind. Overall, you should stay on general healthy practices.

** Ask your doctor for more advice, especially if you doubt to your condition! If your doctor thinks that your cramping is abnormal, you may need to take several tests for clearly diagnosis.

Warning signs in pregnancy that you should not ignore!

In fact, pregnancy is the most challenging phase in a woman’s life. If you experience these following warning signs of pregnancy, report to your doctor promptly!

Complications associated with chronic diseases

You should beware to any unusual changes of your pregnancy if you have preexisting health conditions (particularly such as lupus, hypertension (high blood pressure), asthma, diabetes, or thyroid disease).

In other words, experiencing not well-controlled of these diseases during pregnancy can cause serious problem for you and your baby. For instance, having too low /too high of thyroid hormone or uncontrollable blood sugar during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage.

However, don’t let your preexisting medical conditions to become a factor that can increase the level of your stress. Remember that most women have healthy pregnancies, including you! You just only need to make sure that your preexisting health condition is under control. Discus more with your healthcare provider to get more advice!

Burning /pain when you pee

Having this symptom may signal that there is an infection in the urinary tract or bladder – and if left untreated then it may cause other serious problems for your pregnancy (such as pre-term birth and pre-term labor). Therefore, you need to report this symptom to your doctor for clearly diagnosis and to get the appropriately treatment!

Unusual fever (high fever)

If you experience a high fever (higher than 38 degrees Celsius /101 Fahrenheit), don’t ignore it! It may signal a serious problem, such as a sign of serious infection that can affect your baby.

Sometimes the fever may be followed with joint pain and rash – if these symptoms occur, you may experience infections of CMV (cytomegalovirus), parvovirus or other kinds of infection.

Unusual nausea & vomiting

It is normal to experience morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) while you are being pregnant, particularly in your first trimester. But for excessively nausea and vomiting, you should not ignore these problems!

Severe nausea and vomiting will put you at high risk of having dehydration, lack of nutrient, unwanted weight loss, etc. On other hand, it’s important for you to keep hydrated and have plenty of nutrients during pregnancy!

So, tell your doctor if you experience extreme nausea & vomiting – you may require hospitalization and other appropriately medications!

Severe headache /swelling on one-side calf or leg/ calf or leg pain!

These are rare in pregnancy, but there is a chance for a pregnant woman to experience blood clot in the calf – though this chance is very small.

A blood clot in your brain may cause severe headache, while a blood clot in your calf may cause swelling /pain on your calf or leg. If you experience these symptoms (particularly if you also have a personal history of blood clots), tell your doctor!

Unusual itching and vaginal discharge

It’s common to have some vaginal discharge during pregnancy. But sometimes it (particularly for excessively vaginal discharge & itching) may be a sign of sexual transmitted diseases or other infections that can be harmful for your baby.

If you in doubt to this symptom - don’t be shy, tell your doctor! Because if there is a problem, curing /treating it can give a significantly difference for your pregnancy and your baby!
Reference: WebMD