Saturday, December 22, 2012

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy While Breastfeeding?

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Becoming a new mom is one of the greatest things in a woman’s life. But pregnancy also can bring more pounds of weight - therefore it’s reasonable if losing weight after pregnancy while breastfeeding is one of the most frequently asked questions after delivery. And did you know that your exciting moment of breastfeeding also can help lose your weight? 

You might also like to read also another common question associated with pregnancy about ‘how to ease back pain during pregnancy’ in here, before continuing!

Some women think that they should eat more when breastfeeding and they believe that it will increase their weight. In general, you need to get plenty of nutrients to give your best quality of milk for your newborn. But this doesn't mean that you need huge calories! The key is still on your balanced diet and don’t forget to have a moderate exercise!

Facts of breastfeeding and weight loss

A study published on the American Journal and Clinical Nutrition (in 2008) found that women who gained weight during pregnancy at reasonable amount and did their breastfeeding exclusively were more likely to lose more pregnancy-weight.

This study involved about 25,000 participants with a wide range of how long & how intensively they breastfeed which each participant gets the score of breastfeeding. Researchers believe that women who did their breastfeeding for the first 6 months after birth will retain 4.4 pounds /2 kg less than women who didn't!

During pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman automatically layers on extra tissue of fat. This can make you have a lot of fat savings. But there are some reasons of why you experience it during pregnancy. One of these reasons is to support breastfeeding after birth.

Many experts believe that this exciting activity of early motherhood can be a natural burner for excessive weight-pregnancy, because your body will use your excessive fat to produce breast milk. In other words each time you breastfeed your baby, more pounds of your excessive fat that will be burned naturally.

However, there are also other crucial points you should follow to help your gradually weight loss after your pregnancy. Again, the most important thing is don’t forget to get plenty of healthy foods in balanced diet and do your moderate exercise! Both with your exclusively breastfeeding will promote the entire health of your body and help you restore your healthy weight before pregnancy. 

Another issue you should concern is about the timeline of your weight loss. As well we know breastfeeding is the best (healthiest) food for your baby, so don’t do any extreme way in losing your weight. This is not only bad your overall health but also for the health & growth of your baby.

You may lose your weight quickly by skipping your breakfast or with other extreme ways, but these also can affect the quality of your breast milk. Doing your exercise vigorously is also not recommended. It can work successful to burn your calories more quickly, but it may also release some toxins into your breast milk.

The keys on losing weight after pregnancy while breastfeeding

Exclusively breastfeeding, balanced diet, and moderate exercise are the major keys of role in restoring your ideal weight safely – as mentioned before. Below are other pieces of information that you should know!

How far you should go for weight gain during pregnancy?

Did you know that the risk of postpartum weight retention is higher in women who have over weight during pregnancy? 

Well, it’s completely normal to experience weight gain during pregnancy – but if you go too far, your weight after birth is also more likely to go too over than the weight before you pregnant.

About 38% of women in the U.S gain excessively weight (higher than recommended) during pregnancy. So, how far you should go? The answer is dependent on your pre-pregnancy weight. 

If you are an overweight individual and now you have multiple pregnancy; your doctor generally will ask you to close with 11 – 19 kg or 25 – 42 pounds of weight gain. But for the case of single pregnancy, you should go by 5 -9 kg or 11 – 20 pounds of weight gain. And if you have normal weight, your pregnancy weight can be expected higher than the previous calculations – ask your doctor for more advice!

Helpful tips for your safely weight loss plan

The following are some helpful checklists:

(1) Counting calories should not be your top list!

It is undeniable that counting your daily calories is one of the most crucial steps for weight loss. But when it comes to weight loss while breastfeeding, this should not be your first concern.

In fact there is no single formula to answer the exact calorie you should go for healthy mom with breastfeeding. In general, women with breastfeeding require extra calories for about 500 calories higher than others who aren’t! But overall the answer varies from women to women, depending on your exercise (physical activity), the level of your metabolism, the intensity of your breastfeeding, your current weight, etc.

Follow your hunger instead of calculating calories – but remember don’t eat too much, because you might know exactly of how much you should eat. Always focus on a balanced diet!

(2) Exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months

The current recommendation for exclusively breastfeeding is about the first six months after birth – according to the World Health Organization. After 6 months, you can continue to breastfeed but then don’t forget to introduce some solid foods for your baby. You may keep continuing your breastfeeding until the first birthday of your baby. 

Nurse your newborn as much as he/she wants. Again, each time you nurse your baby, the longer you continue to naturally burn more pounds of your excessive calories.  

(3) When you should reduce your calorie?

The decreased weight due to breastfeeding also varies from women to women. Some women get back their normal weight for about 1 year after birth while others don’t lose much. Again, the individual factors play key role!

For the best result (either for you or your baby), it is much better to focus on the gradually weight loss. In other words, it is safe to lose weight during breastfeeding but make sure you do it gradually.

Don’t start your weight loss before 2 months of your baby’s age. A decreased calorie diet in the first 1-2 months can diminish the supply of your milk. With the combination of moderate exercise and healthy diet, your doctor usually allows you to lose for about 1 pound a week.

(4) What else you should concern?
  1. Keep hydrated! Being dehydration can affect directly to the supply of your milk – so make sure you drink plenty of water (about 7-8 glasses) every day. Furthermore, it also can help you keep far away from overeating. Monitor your urine – if your urine is light yellow /clear then it is good sign that your body is well hydrated.  
  2. Choose healthy fats. Trans-fats and saturated fats must be avoided if you seriously want to get back your normal weight! It is much better to choose unsaturated fats such as salmon, olive oil, avocado, seeds, and nuts – and don’t forget to eat them in moderation!
  3. Stay on eating healthy foods! The variety of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats are excellent for the quality of your breast milk and your gradually weight loss program. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains) are not only best choices to provide a lot of essential nutrients for your breastfeeding but also can give you a longer-lasting energy. 
  4. Again, do a moderate exercise! As you exclusively breastfeed your baby - moderate exercise can be effective way to burn your excessively fat gradually!
  5. Join to a community that can support your program! There are a lot of weight-loss-after-pregnancy groups on internet. You can share your experience and find a lot of stories from other members in there!