Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Best Foods that Help Fight and Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the most popular serious diseases in this modern living. Therefore when people talking about it, they are often looking for the most effective ways on how to prevent the disease! And many people believe that there are certain foods that can help reduce their risk of developing cancer. However in fact there is no single food that can prevent cancer, but many experts believe that the appropriately combination of foods or dietary changes may give a significant difference to lower the risk!

You might also like read the previous posts about how you can get stomach cancer and best foods to lower cholesterol, before continuing!

Garlic, broccoli (cruciferous vegetable), and berries are some foods that have more essential properties for cancer-fighting -- according to several studies conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund. What else you need to know?


This fruit is high in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C. And as well we know that antioxidants are often associated with the essential property to lower the risk of cells in the body from damage linked to cancer. Berries are also believed can boost the body’s immune system.

Foods high in fiber may be helpful to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer, while foods containing vitamin C may decrease your risk of cancer in the esophagus -- according to a report of AICR.

All types of berries (especially such as raspberries and strawberries) have a lot of ellagic acid (a kind of phytochemical) which also believed helpful to reduce the risk of certain cancers (such as cancers of breast, lung, bladder, skin, and esophagus).

Even some studies found that ellagic acids may have essential properties to fight cancer with some different ways at once. They may be helpful for your body to slow the reproductions of cells of cancer, they can act as a powerful antioxidant, and they also may give a significant contribution to deactivate certain carcinogens.

Furthermore, another polyphenol property that can be found in the berries is anthocyanins. It is also believed can reduce and also repair damaged cells of the body.

Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli)

There are some cruciferous vegetables (such as Brussels sprouts, rapini, cauliflower, etc) but broccoli is usually the most known type. Broccoli is not only a good source of fiber but also high in magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate and vitamin K.

For each 148 grams of broccoli also contain about 40 calories, that’s why it is also recommended in many weight loss methods. You may also be interested to know more about easy ways to lose weight!

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables also contain some polyphenols, such as quercetin and hydroxycinnamic acids. These vegetables may help protect the body from breast cancer, stomach cancer, and cancers of esophageal, mouth, larynx, pharynx, & skin.


Garlic is still categorized into the family of vegetables what we call as ‘Allium’. Garlic and other Allium vegetables (such as chives, leeks, scallions, and onions) are believed can be powerful to prevent stomach cancer – according to an AICR’s report. In this report, eating garlic may also be helpful to lower the risk of developing cancer in the colorectal.

Organosulfur, quercetin, and alixin are some essential properties in the garlic and Allium vegetables which now being studied for cancer-fighting effects. In some studies, essential compounds in the garlic have shown the effectiveness and ability to slow or event stop the progress of tumors in stomach tissue, bladder, colon, and prostate.

Furthermore, garlic also contain essential compound what we call as ‘diallyl disulfide’ which may be effective to kill leukemia cells and to prevent cancers of lung, skin, and colon. Read also the previous post about how do you know if you have colon cancer?!

And in several studies with animal for the subject, some essential compounds in the Allium vegetables have shown the ability to slow the development of lung, colon, esophagus, and breast cancer in several stages.

That’s why many AICR experts agree that garlic is good choice as part of well-balanced pointedly plant-based diet.


Some studies found that eating tomatoes is linked to lower risk of developing cancers of prostate, skin, breast, lung, mouth, and skin. Unfortunately there is still no clearly answer for the compounds of tomatoes for cancer-fighting.

But experts believe that lycopene (a kind of pigment that gives the red color in tomatoes) may have a significant contribution of tomatoes against cancer. Lycopene also can help protect the cells of body from damage and kill cells that grow abnormally.

Vitamin C is another antioxidant in the tomatoes, which can be helpful to prevent cellular damage that will cause cancer.

The way on how you eat tomatoes is also believed will affect the effectiveness of tomatoes for cancer-fighting. Processed products of tomatoes (such as paste, sauce, or juice) are better to release more lycopene and allow your body to easily absorb this essential compound.

Furthermore according to some recent studies, the body should also get some oil along with lycopene for better absorption of this essential compound. Ask a dietitian for in-depth information!


It’s undeniable that tea is one of good sources for antioxidants, particularly a special compound called as ‘catechins’ which may be effective to reduce the size of cancer cells and stop the growth of cancer cells.

Although the effectiveness of tea (especially green tea) for cancer-fighting is still debatable, but some studies have shown that green tea is associated with the lower risk of developing cancers of prostate, breast, liver, lung, and colon. Even some longer term research found that tea may also be effective to decrease the risk of pancreatic, stomach, and bladder cancer!

However, remember that tea also contain caffeine. Therefore, it’s also important to consume it in moderation. Read also about how much caffeine in green tea?!

Soy products

Soy is one of good sources for different types of phytoestrogens which can help protect the body from the risk of prostate & breast cancer by restricting cancerous changes – according to the Cancer Cure Foundation.

Soy has a lot of isoflavones, but some studies have found that genistein may be the most powerful compound for cancer-fighting. However, women who are at high risk of breast cancer (having many risk factors of breast cancer) should eat soy products in moderation, because excessive consumption of isoflavones from soy products may stimulate cells of cancer to grow!

-- You may also like to know more about soy allergy symptoms!


Legumes (such as lentils, beans, and peas) are another choice of a big nutritional punch. They are believed may decrease the risk of stomach and colon cancer.

There are many fruits and vegetables that contain phytochemicals, but some experts believe that legumes have uniquely phytochemicals (such as phytica acid, saponins, and protease inhibitors) which may be more powerful to prevent the risk of developing abnormal cells in the body.

Moreover, legumes are also good source for fiber. And as well we know that many experts recommend high fiber foods for cancer-fighting.

Get more protection from an exotic spice!

One of the main ingredients for Indian spice turmeric is curcumin. And did you know that it is also a potential cancer fighter?! Some research found that curcumin can be effective to suppress and restrict the invasion of cells of cancer for a wide array of cancer.

Dark green leafy vegetables

We can get fiber, carotenoids and folate in these emerald-hued veggies. Either carotenoids or folate can give important contribution to lower your risk of cancer.

Folate is essential compound that can be powerful to protect your DNA so thus the change of healthy cells to be abnormal cells decreases, while carotenoids is a kind of antioxidant that can help control the cells of the body to grow.

Therefore many experts believe that eating dark green leafy vegetables (such as chard, chicory, lettuce, kale, spinach, and mustard greens) is associated with lower risk of having abnormal cells in the larynx, mouth, skin, pharynx, stomach, lung, and breast.

Whole grains

According to a research from the University of Minnesota, individuals who have their fill of whole grains are at 43-21 percent lower risk of cancer than others who consume little to none. This suggests that whole grains can be one of good choices for cancer-fighting.

And in fact, whole grains are different with refined grains, because whole grains also contain antioxidants, fiber and other essential nutrients.

Even some experts believe that fiber of whole grains can create helpful substances when fermented in the colon which then eventually will protect the healthy cells from cancer-causing agents. Whole grains may be effective and helpful to prevent cancers of stomach, cancer, and breast.

Other tips

The following are other pieces of helpful information on how to prevent cancer:

Getting more varied with fruits and vegetables

However as mentioned before, there is no single food that will be powerful enough to prevent cancer! In other words - don’t only focus to only a specific food, always stay on a balanced-diet! Remember that each healthy food has uniquely properties that can give a contribution to keep you healthy.

It’s undeniable that vegetables & fruits are high in cancer-fighting nutrients. And the more color, the more essential nutrients that you will get. So, it is so recommended to get more varied with vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Cut down on meat!

Some studies found that vegetarian has lower risk of developing cancer than others who consume meat. This suggests that excessive consumption of meat may put you at higher risk. Being vegetarian is not easy for everyone, but you can cut down on meat!

You should know that meat lacks fiber. It also lacks other essential nutrients for cancer-fighting! And in fact, most of meat contains saturated fat that can be dangerous for your health. Even meat is also able to create carcinogenic compounds – depending in how it is cooked /prepared!

There is nothing wrong with meat, but it’s much better to consume it moderation along with a balanced-diet.

Consider the cooking methods!

Experts also believe that the way on how you to prepare /cook meat will affect how big a cancer risk rate it poses! Broiling, grilling, and frying meats at over heat (very high temperatures) will cause unfriendly compounds of chemicals to form which then may increase the risk of developing cancer.

But steaming, braising, and stewing are some better choices of cooking methods that can restrict those chemicals to form. For better result, don’t forget also to add plenty of protective and healthy vegetables when we do stew the meat.

Get a plenty of fluids or water!

Being hydrated is not only important for overall health, but some experts also believe that drinking more liquid may be effective to lower the risk of bladder cancer. This theory is based on water diluting concentrations of potential cancer-triggering agents in the bladder.

Drinking less water will cause you to urinate less frequently, and this will increase the amount of time for those agents to stay longer in contacting the lining of bladder.

On the other hand, drinking adequate water every day will maintain the normal cycle of your urination. More frequently urination will decrease the amount of time for those cancer-causing agents keep in contact in the lining of bladder, which then may be effective to significantly decrease the risk of developing bladder cancer.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption!

Many studies have shown that excessive drinking alcohol is linked to some health problems, including linked to different types of cancer (particularly such as cancers of breast, liver, rectum, colon, throat, mouth, esophagus, and larynx).

Though one drink of alcohol for women and two drinks for men a day are safe according to the American Cancer Society, but to keep safe it’s much better to more strictly limit alcohol!