Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stroke Recovery Timeline and Rehabilitation!

(Image credit © to ‘Shutterstock’)
There are about 700,000 individuals or more in the U.S who suffer a stroke /year, which about 2/3 of them survive and need rehabilitation. Stroke recovery timeline is a lifelong process. The goal of the rehabilitation is purposed to help patients attain the greatest level of having good quality of life, and to make them become as independent as possible by improving emotional, mental, & physical functions. It is also intended to help survivors attain the best possible long-term outcome.

Read also the previous posts about causes & symptoms of stroke and more detailed information of mini stroke, before continuing!

Though the rehabilitation is not able to reverse the brain damage and cure the stroke effects, but always keep in mind that there is always a hope (no matter where you are in the journey of your recovery)!

Post-stroke rehabilitation

There are some disabilities that occur after an attack of stroke. And the types of these disabilities are dependent on which region of the brain is damaged and the level of the damage itself! Therefore, the disabilities that occur may vary from one patient to another.

And in general, there are five common disabilities from stroke which may include;
  1. emotional disturbances
  2. difficulties in memory & thinking
  3. problems associated on how to control the movement of the body (paralysis)
  4. loss ability to feel temperature, pain, position, or touch
  5. difficulties on how to speak and understand language
Rehabilitation after stroke will help patients learn more skills that are affected due to disabilities from stroke. It can help patients to learn new ways of performing their tasks to compensate /circumvent for certain residual disabilities. For examples -- patient also will learn how to dress /bathe using only a single hand, and how to effectively communicate to others when their ability to speak /use their language has been compromised.

When patients should start their rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation must be carefully planned in order to meet the specific requirements of patient. In essence, it is a key process in the recovery of stroke. And therefore, it should be started as soon as possible after the stroke of patient is stable.

In many cases, the rehabilitation should begin within one or two days after an attack of stroke. And sometimes in the first 3 - 6 months after the stroke, the significant recovery may be achieved with the right steps of rehabilitation.

Generally, there are 3 major phases of rehabilitation; acute phase, sub-acute phase, and chronic phase. For the first stage (acute phase), the rehabilitation is usually done in the acute-care hospital -- depending on the condition of each patient.

Reoccurrence stroke

There is also a chance for patient of experiencing reoccurrence stroke. After the attack, patients are more likely to more focus on recovery and rehabilitation. But, always keep in mind that preventing recurrent stroke is also one of important keys for the stroke recovery timeline.

The percentage of reoccurrence stroke is about ‘(40-25) percent within 5 years’, ’(15-14) percent within a year’, and ’(10-3) percent within a month after the first stroke’ -- according to the National Stroke Association!

In line with the phases of rehabilitation, doctor usually also ask their patients to do some changes in lifestyle in order to lower their risk of experiencing reoccurrence stroke.

How to find best program for your rehabilitation?

To get the goals of your recovery, you need a rehab program with a team of professionals (such as; recreation therapist, neuropsychologist, dietitian, OT (occupational therapist), PT (physical therapist), neurologist, LSP (speech-language pathologist), nurse, physiatrist, or even social worker).

Furthermore, a rehabilitation centre also must be qualified by some accreditations, particularly such as JCAHO (the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) and CARF (the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations). These accreditations are intended to keep the quality service of a stroke rehabilitation center.

What are important points you should concern in choosing stroke rehab programs? The following are some helpful checklists from the National Stroke Association:

How about with the treatments and services?

Consider also the location and visiting hours!

Don’t forget to the cost and insurance!

Rate also the customer service and satisfaction!

Discharge planning

It is the phase of preparing process to live more independently in the home. The goal of discharge planning is to help maintain the progress of rehabilitation on after a patient has been released from the rehab program.

Some crucial points in the discharge planning may include:
  1. Choosing an authorized healthcare provider who is going to monitor the health’s patient.
  2. Considering certain community services that may help for patient either in the present or after some time.
  3. Choosing a caregiver for daily care.
  4. Making a plan for rehab services in the home.
  5. Considering other equipments or special assistances that will be needed.
  6. And ensuring that patient has a safe place to live.
Discharge planning can be started during rehabilitation. The stroke rehab team is authorized to decide when the right time of the discharge planning should be started! In general, patient should be discharged as soon as possible from the rehab program once the goals of the rehabilitation have been reached!