Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Facts of Acai Berry Cleanse and Weight Loss!

There are now a lot of headlines that expose the super benefits of acai berry to lose weight effectively! Even this fruit is supposed to promote some health benefits, such as for anti-aging food, cleanse-food, and more. One of the big questions, can this fruit really help someone to lose his /her weight effectively? What are facts of acai berry cleanse that you should know?

You might also like to know more about health benefits and side effects of acai berry, before continuing!

Some studies that explore the potentially benefits of acai berry found that this fruit has antioxidants that may help to protect the body from free radicals, and therefore it may be helpful for fighting certain diseases, like cancer and heart disease. But when this fruit is associated with weight loss, there is still no adequate evidence that acai berry can help to burn more pounds of your weight.

Even, there is an opinion of Oprah Winfrey that published in her official website that in essence acai berry doesn't help to directly promote weight loss.

Acai berry cleanse and weight loss

The point is you can regularly take or consume acai berry to promote good health effects and get good nutrients (including antioxidants) for your body, but always remember that consuming this fruit should not be purposed to weight loss. Don’t use it for your single way to burn more fat of your weight.

Furthermore, you cannot find any single food that works to weight loss (including super healthy acid berry cleanse). In other words, all foods that are claimed powerful to burn more calories will be useless without plenty of exercise (physical activity) or other factors that support your weight loss plan.

The true is, you have to manage and control your calories to burn more pounds of your weight. Some changes in lifestyle that you can do include; having regular exercise (to increase the body’s requirement for energy so thus you can burn more calories and get stronger muscles), having plenty of nutritional foods, and don’t forget to get adequate rest /day!

You may also like to read easy ways to lose weight fast and how to increase metabolism (having good metabolism will be helpful for your body to quickly burn more pounds).

Additionally, there is something unique in acai berry. This fruit is one of the few fruit that has MUFAs (monounsaturated fats). Other fruits that contain MUFAs are sunflower oils, flax, chocolate, seeds, avocados, olive, soybean, dark chocolate, etc. And MUFAs may be helpful to keep someone feeling satisfied in calorie-controlled diet.

But unfortunately, the amount of MUFAS in acai berry is so small, so thus we may need to eat many acai to get adequate MUFAs. Regardless to the expensive prices of this fruit, this idea also will add more extra calories.

What is actually acai berry?

The taste of this fruit is a combination of wild chocolate and berries -- and purple is the major color of this fruit. Therefore, it is also familiar known as a deep purple berry. And it comes from Brazil (grown in the basin of Amazon River).

The purple color comes from anthocyanin, which is a kind of antioxidant that may be useful to protect the body from aging, diabetes, bacterial infections, certain neurological diseases, inflammation, and even cancer.
Furthermore, this fruit is also rich in vitamin A, iron, fiber, and calcium. Many acai berries are offered in powdered or capsules.

Don’t forget to read the labels of acai products if you want to buy one of them, particularly read the labels about the levels of calories and sugars.

And once again (as mentioned before) the prices of acai berry products are pretty expensive, because most of this fruit is seed and only about 5 percent is skin.

Fortunately, you can get similar antioxidant-rich of acai berry from other fresh fruits and vegetable without spending a lot of money. Some foods that can be good substitution that you can choose are raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. For better result you can consume them in their natural form.

What else you should remember?

Acai berry can be a great part of a weight loss diet, but always remember that it is just like another fruit and nothing special when it comes to weight loss. Don’t be fooled by any ads that offer quickly weight loss methods with acai berry cleanse.

It is much better to have regular exercise and healthy lifestyles, and healthy diet (high in fiber and other healthy foods) for your long-term project to lose your weight safely and permanently. Don’t forget to make sure that every food that you eat in moderation.

If you still don’t have any idea what is a kind of diet that you should choose, you can consider a safely diet like DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). There are many professional dietitians that recommend DESH diet.

For more detailed information about DASH diet or facts of acai berry cleanse -- talk and discuss more with a diet & nutrient expert in your local area!
Image credit to ‘Lew Robertson - FoodPix’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Facts of Acai Berry Cleanse and Weight Loss! By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-04-11T04:23:00-07:00 Facts of Acai Berry Cleanse and Weight Loss! 3 11 reviews