Are you a woman who wants to drop more pounds of your weight? Have you found the best steps that work successfully? Here are some painless weight loss tips for women! -- You might also like to know about top reasons of why women cannot lose weight easily, before continuing!
Whatever the method that you choose, make sure you can enjoy it otherwise the chance of failure of your diet will be higher. If you can enjoy your diet, you can do it with fun and so thus you can feel that any steps in your diet is painless. Just keep focus to your goal and make your healthy diet become your lifestyle, and then you will find a successful result.
Avoid thinking that subtracting is always better!
You may want to create more calorie deficits by subtracting your foods. There is nothing wrong with this idea, but don’t think that it is always better for your weight loss program. Why not try adding foods that you like and can make your diet be more enjoyable instead of only focus to subtract them.
You can add like juicy grape or deep-red cherries or other healthy goodies. You can slip them into your breakfast cereal and bag lunch. But always remember to keep the entire calories intake /day is still under control.
You can also consider to simple things that can make you move more, like a quick scroll, or taking a few dance movement before your dinner, move your body more when listening your favorite music, or bike to work.
Avoid doing exercise that you don’t like!
As well we know that exercise and ‘keep active’ are the most important keys to increase the body’s needs for energy. More energy that is required by your body, more calories or fats that can be burned.
But in many cases, exercise is something that the most hated by people with obesity. And once again, if you cannot enjoy your exercise, you cannot do it with fun which eventually can lead to inconsistency to do your exercise.
Therefore, it is so important for you to clearly understand what a kind of exercise that you like. You may choose exercise with game-playing, such as making snow angles, hiking with your friends, washing your motorcycle or your car, be fun with your live to do a great sex, riding bikes, playing Frisbee, and so on.
Just keep active in your daily activities by doing small things that can move more your body!
Get more walking!
One of popular weight loss tips for women is walking, especially when the weather’s nice. We all agree that walking is one of the easiest ways to move more your body and keep you active, and moreover almost people can do it with fun.
Here are other helpful tips to get more walking:
- Play your favorite music for your next time you vacuum or mop, so thus you can move more your body with fun.
- Choose stairs instead of elevator!
- Join to charity walks in your local area!
- Enjoy your shopping or just visiting your favorite mall by hitting all floors of the mall.
- If you use a car to go to your office, why not try parking it at the back of the lot.
- And so on!
Choose low calories foods that you like!
Another simple idea to lose weight for women without feeling denied is by switching to lower-calorie choices of foods that you crave! Be creative to get another version of your favorite food that has lower calories.
For example if you love ice-cream, choose one that is low-fat version. Or if you love eating pizza, you choose it with reduced-fat cheese. But as mentioned before, don’t forget to keep an eye on entire calories of all foods that you eat /day!
Do remember to keep hydrated!
Water is one of the most important things for your body. Almost or even all of activities in your body involve water, including for the metabolism. Dehydration can train yourself to decrease your metabolism. Low metabolism is bad news for your diet program, because it can slow down the mechanism of your body to burn more calories /day.
As you get older (particularly over 25 years of age), the performance of metabolism of your body will begin declining! Fortunately no matter how old you are, you still have power to increase your metabolism. Read also ideas on how to increase metabolism!
Another simple idea; many experts believe that by downing some water just before your meal will be helpful to make you ‘not so hungry’. Try drinking a glass or two glasses of water before your meal to help you watch what you eat!
Share and share!
As well we know that there are a lot of restaurants that provide the massive meals in their menu lists. So, why not try sharing your meal with someone (like your boyfriend, husband, children, etc). It is not only helpful to get less calories but also helpful to save more money lol!
Other ideas;
- If you are lazy to use your bike, why not try using a bicycle built two so thus you can be motivated to move your body.
- You can also try inviting your friend (especially one that also has obesity) to split the cost of a gym membership or a personal trainer.
- Moreover, having a partner or friend when you are trying to get more exercise & eat better will be so useful to give more motivation and finally the chance of more successful result from your exercise & diet is higher.
What else weight loss tips for women that you can do easily?
- Consider using smaller spoons, cups, or bowls. This idea can be helpful to control the size that you eat.
- Be careful when your diet efforts lead to ‘too much self-focus or boredom’. This condition can make you get easy to less focus which eventually can direct you to eat more (uncontrollable), especially when you are eating in front of your television. So be creative to get back your motivation. You can do some that are outside of weight loss, such as enjoying painting, helping your kids with their science project, redecorating your bedroom, doing yoga, etc.
- Look on your weight loss program for long term project! An article published in Obesity Research found that people who maintained their healthy lifestyles with simple weight loss efforts had successfully lost their weight with fun at least 30 lb after 2 years.
-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’
Health Tips And Lifestyle
Published: 2012-03-29T21:14:00-07:00
Weight Loss Tips for Women (Simple Ideas)