Thursday, March 29, 2012

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast?

Are you looking for easy ways to lose weight fast? Do you can lose your weight fast? Sure, you can do it and there are a lot of articles that discuss this issue on internet. But, the big questions: Can you do it safely and can you keep permanently the result of your instant process?

-- You might also be interested to read about top secrets on how to lose your weight without exercise, before continuing!

Are you satisfied with easy ways to lose weight fast that you choose, but in fact you just only regain your weight? In many cases, the instant process are more likely to give the instant result (temporarily result).

The answer is still the same, if you want to keep pounds off not temporarily, the best choice is by losing weight slowly but surely. And you can do that without needing to have a tight diet. The key is by keeping focus to do some healthy lifestyles or creating some simple tweaks to our lifestyle!

Generally, (in most adults) we need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose a pound of fat. This means if you can burn about 500 calories /day through exercise modifications and dietary, you can lose about one pound a week. Or if your concern is only to maintain the current weight of your body, you just only shave about 100 calories /day to avoid unwanted extra 1-2 lb for each year.

Here are several easy ways to lose weight (not fast, but --> “slowly but surely and relatively permanently”):
  1. Get your breakfast for every day! This is simple slogan and even you might be familiar with this advice but you may often underestimate it. Many people with weight loss program are more likely to skip their breakfast, because they may think that it can be helpful to cut calories (creating more calories deficits), but they usually will end up eating more throughout their day. Furthermore, many studies found that there is a link between skipping breakfast and a decline in metabolism. So, don’t ever skip your breakfast! And choose healthy foods (low in fat and high in fiber) for your breakfast for better result, like whole-grain with your favorite fruits.
  2. Make sure you choose healthy foods for your dinner. Don’t eat anything after your dinner if you can. If you cannot control the temptation, you can try with a small bowl portion of frozen yogurt (low fat yogurt), or a cup of green tea (or matcha green tea – it is a premium class of green tea), or a piece of hardly candy (low in sugar) is also not too bad idea.
  3. Reduce the calories intake by consuming more liquid calories! This is one of easy ways to reduce your hunger. You can try with 100 percent fruit juice in small portions, milk (low fat), or eat more citrus! Don’t forget also to keep hydrated throughout your day by drinking adequate water. Many experts believe that dehydration is one of factors that can influence the decline performance of your body’s metabolism. And as well we know, it is hard for anyone to burn more calories if she /he has poor metabolism. Read also other ways to boost metabolism!
  4. Keep far away from unhealthy foods. Remove all unhealthy snacks from your freezer, and why not replace all of them with healthy goodies of varied fruits.
  5. Get more fiber! Vegetables are the most popular choice if you are looking for foods that are rich in fiber. But if you don’t like any vegetables, you can choose the right carbohydrates intake, like whole-wheat breads, bran flakes, and so on (they are also high in fiber)! Don’t forget also to slip more protein in your meal, like small portions of beans, lean meats, peanut butter, or even low fat-yogurt in order to keep full longer.
  6. A few minutes before your meal, try drinking 1-3 glass of water in order to reduce your likelihood to choose and take a big portion of meal.
  7. Choose to use a smaller plate or bowl instead of the bigger one. This is one of easy ways to get instant portion control.
  8. Avoid visiting any restaurants that provide ‘all-you-can-eat package’, it can increase significantly your risk to lose control what you eat.
  9. Keep active in your daily activities (don’t be lazy to move more your body)! There are a lot of activities that you can explore to move your body, like bike to work, use stairs instead of elevator, or hit all floors of the mall when you are shopping! Don’t forget to do a kind of exercise that you like (an exercise that you can enjoy) so thus you can do it with fun. And get a partner or friend when doing your exercise is much better to keep your motivation.
If you seriously want to know more about easy ways to lose weight fast and safely, you may need to see a professional dietitian and professional exercise.

-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’
Health Tips And Lifestyle Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast? By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-03-29T23:46:00-07:00 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast? 3 11 reviews