Sunday, January 29, 2012

Top 5 Diabetes Diet Myths!

You may feel frustrated or overwhelmed while hearing about diabetes diet. You may also hear some myths associated with it, like too many rules that you have to do in a diabetes diet or eating sugar a lot will make worse your diabetes.

Here is a nice article that will explore more about some popular diabetes diet myths. You may also like to know type 2 diabetes symptoms!

Diabetes can occur if you eat too much sugar!

First you have to clearly understand about ‘how does diabetes occur’! Just keep in mind that as long as your body can work properly to convert the food (carbohydrates) that you eat to the energy then this myth is wrong.

Moreover there is still no strong evidence that can prove the directly link between diabetes and sugar consumption! But this doesn't mean that eating too much sugar is allowed, but you should understand that eating too much sugar can lead to obesity (weight gain) -- if you get weight-gain then your risk to get diabetes is higher.

Therefore, it is still important to keep well the level of your blood sugar level!

You have to avoid carbohydrates because it is not good for diabetes

Yes - that’s true if carbs can give a significant effect to the level of blood sugar level, but this doesn’t mean you have to avoid carbohydrates totally, because however they also contain a lot of essential nutrients (like fiber, minerals and even vitamins).

So, what you have to do? You can still consume carbohydrates but not too much! Make the result better by prioritizing some carbohydrate foods with high source of nutrients, such as vegetables, fruits (especially for high-fiber fruits), baked goods, and whole-grain breads! Ask to a dietitian for more detailed information.

Carbohydrates are bad, but protein is much better!

Since you think that carbohydrates can influence the blood sugar level then you may start to eat less of them and even replace them with more protein. Well…you have to completely understand that eating too much protein is also bad for your body which can causes certain problems.

The big problems like in meat (which is rich in protein but also contains saturated fat). The high intake of saturated fat can cause heart disease.

So, what should you do? The intake of protein is important and not bad for diabetes, but make sure you consume it about 15-20 percent of the entire calories you eat every day.

You can eat whatever you want by adjusting the dose of your diabetes drugs!

Unfortunately, there are also some people who have assumption that they can cover whatever that they eat by adjusting their diabetes drugs. This is absolutely wrong perception!

Most of diabetes medications will work well, and result a successful result if they are directed by your doctor and taken appropriately. So, don’t ever try to adjust the dose of your diabetes drugs on your own to cover the level of carbohydrates that you eat, unless you get the instruction from your doctor!

A lot of rules in diabetes diet!

It is undeniable that planning you meals is so important if you have diabetes. But this can lead to a lot of rules that may bother you a lot. Therefore, there are many people who give up with their diet.

The common principle is simple and easy, just keep remember that having -diabetes diet- means selecting and eating food that will work and be useful with your activities, so thus you can control your blood sugar level as close to ideal /normal as possible. The point is if you can enjoy your healthy lifestyles then there are no rules as many as you think before.

-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration