Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Lower the Risk of Heart Disease?

(image credit to
According to Australia National Heart Foundation, you can start with five simple steps to reduce the risk of heart disease; (1) doing regular heart check-ups, (2) check regularly the number of crucial parameters that can influence the performance of the heart (like blood pressure, waist measurement, and cholesterol level), (3) be more enjoyable with healthy eating, (4) have a good behavior in your daily activities (be active in your lifestyle, don’t forget to have a regular exercise), and (5) if you are individual who is addicted to tobacco (smoker) then you have to quit as earlier as possible.

Well, heart disease is one of number-one killers in several countries. In several cases, there are fewer men than women die due to heart disease, like in Australia. The unhealthy lifestyle in this modern living is one of factors that can increase the risk of heart disease for anyone to be a heart-attack candidate.

However, the probability for women and men to be a heart-attack candidate is equal, depending on the lifestyle of each individual. The following are pieces of helpful information on how to reduce or lower your risk of heart disease.

Is HRT (Hormone-Replacement Therapy) effective?

You may hear that HRT will be helpful to protect you (especially for women) from the heart disease. But according to the Heart Foundation, this option is not too effective to reduce the risk of heart disease (they do not recommend this prevention).

There are large trials and studies that involve many women show that the hormone supplement therapy is not helpful enough, even in fact supplementing with hormones can lead to increase the risk of uterine & breast cancer.

Overall, it is much better to do healthy living lifestyle to keep the health of your heart!

Have a positive environment!

According to Australia Heart Foundation, the positive environment (your community relationships and your friend) is also helpful to promote good health for your heart. Bad environment can lead to a depression problem and isolation situation, and eventually will give a significant bad contribution for heart disease (stroke and heart attack).

Therefore, it is much better to improve your social life, be active in your local area with good communication to your friends and neighborhood. Don’t forget to active and communicate your turning around of depression or stress to your doctor for more detailed information.

What else you should know?

Well, menopause also can give a significant effect to raise (quite markedly) the risk of heart disease! This could be caused by the level changes of major hormone, like progesterone and oestrogen (but there is no clearly proof of any researches that show the correlation between the changes of these hormones and heart-disease).