This article discusses stroke symptoms as well as the causes, in order to raise awareness among young people. While ambition is high rocketing, health should not be put aside. Stroke is a condition that does not come all of a sudden. In most cases, blood pressure diseases may occur but sufferers are not quite sensitive towards this condition. What is meant by blood illnesses here refer to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood glucose. All of those problems are mainly caused by unhealthy eating habits built over the years, lack of resting and high level of stresses.
General Stroke Condition
Recognizing general stroke symptoms are very crucial for you and people around you. This is to avoid late responds that may increase fatality of stroke. Below are some signs that you should be aware of:
• often, people with stroke feels that they lose ability to move arms, legs or face on one side of the body (left or right part only); preceded with weak, tingling or numbness that happens all of a sudden
• changes in ability of vision, getting blurred or not sharp
• losing ability to speak normally
• having problems in comprehending sentences even though the statements are very simple
• striking, painful headache that is different compared to any headaches experienced before
• disturbance in maintaining body balance, sudden problems with walking
Even though the stroke symptoms have some specific differences between blood clot based stroke and bleeding, the above conditions are the most common, observable signs we should be aware of. Besides the causes, locations of clots or bleedings in the brain can also bring variations in the symptoms. The problems may be rather difficult to observe when smaller strokes occur over time. Since the symptoms are gradual, the sufferer will also tend to misunderstand the signs.
Ischemic Stroke versus Hemorrhagic Stroke
Stroke caused by blockage of blood clot in the brain is named ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke symptoms are more or less similar with the ones described above. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding in the space in or around the brain that is mostly resulted from hypertension for a long time or uncontrolled hypertension condition. Both conditions may attack young people, especially those with higher risks due to family record. For your information, hypertension can be inherited from parents –as also diabetic condition-. Usually, the patterns go on the opposite sex. For instance, if your father is suffering from degenerative hypertension, he got that from your grandmother. If you are female, there is a high chance that you carry similar risk inherited from your father. Later, you will pass on this condition to you sons and so on.