Understanding HIV
Unlike other infectious diseases that will heal after a person’s immunity recovers, HIV infected person will suffer from ongoing decrease of immunity. It makes various complications happen, and eventually causing more serious health problems. HIV is damaging people’s body immune system that makes a person’s health condition fragile. The infection is transmitted through sexual contacts. Hence, unprotected free sex habits can be very risky of being infected by this virus. Other ways of transmissions are through blood transfusion or contacts, being transferred from a mother to the fetus during pregnancy and breast feeding process. The problem with this infection is that the duration of its infection and hiv symptoms may take a long time, even years. Since there have not been any medical curers available yet to this disease, the only treatment available is only slowing down the illness’ progression. It has proven the decline of death in advanced nations but the infected population number keeps growing.
Primary Symptoms of Infections
Wondering how hiv symptoms start? The signs are actually divided into primary infection stage and clinical infection. Here are some of the primary infection signs:
• after being infected by hiv, a person can start developing influenza like symptoms in only one up to two months. This stage is called acute HIV infection and can go on for weeks
• detailed of the signs include sore throat, aching muscles, headache, and fever
• rash can also appear, along with pain of joints
• diarrhea is also commonly occurring, accompanying the influenza
• lymph glands swell, especially on the neck, it looks similar with influenza and pneumonia signs
• the danger of this stage lays on invisible virus number in the blood stream
Signs of Latent Clinical Condition
In the later condition of the phase, latent clinical condition is the technical name of it. The virus is still kept in the body, but there are no visible signs whatsoever that indicate the improving stage of infection seriousness condition. This condition can last for about a decade with possibilities of shorter or longer time of more serious infections. The virus remains in the body and continues to destroy cells of immunity. The hiv symptoms on this stage can cover:
• diarrhea and drastic weight loss, that come together with influenza like symptoms. Beware of swelling lymph nodes as it is one of the earliest signs of HIV infection
• coughing and heavy breathing can also occur
• feeling of ongoing tiredness as well as having high fever may also be some warnings of infection
It is always recommended to get examined after the early signs occur. This is especially recommended for people with high risk of hiv infection. Pay attention to lifestyle and reflect whether possible sexual contacts or blood transmission were done before symptoms appear.