Common Signs
Common diabetes symptoms are often overlooked. It is strongly believed that early detection can treat diabetes better and much more effectively. Early treatment can also avoid the risk of complication. There are basically two types of diabetes, called type 1 and type 2. The first type of diabetes’ symptoms are usually shown through these signs: increasing frequency of urination, feeling of thirst that is unusual, starving even though the intake of food is high and the carbohydrate consumption is intensive, losing weight drastically, and excessive tiredness that becomes irritating. Second type of diabetes includes all of any of the first type symptoms, added with decreasing visibility, feeling of numbness either on the feet or hands, infections on gums and skins and any wounds or bruises that are easily widening or very slow in healing. Sometimes, in worse cases, the wounds get wider and infected.
Gestational Diabetes
The above signs are common or general symptoms of diabetes. However, when you do not experience any of the mentioned diabetes symptoms, it does not mean that you are free from it. Gestational diabetes is a condition of increasing blood glucose during pregnancy. Hence, for women at risk of this illness, normally are invited to take some tests during pregnancy to check whether an expecting mother is carrying such risks or not. Those who are at risk of gestational diabetes are women whose weight is excessive, especially before pregnancy. Another risky condition is those with previous pregnancy history that was diagnosed of gestational diabetes, and expecting mums with family history of diabetic condition.
Early Signs for Diabetes Type 2
Most of the cases happening nowadays are diabetes type 2. How can you detect this illness through its signs?
• if you suddenly feel that your thirst is more than usual and the frequency of your pee improves drastically, this is a classic symptom of diabetes type 2. Why does this happen? The reason is simple. The level of sugar in your blood increases and it makes kidney to work harder to filter and absorb the extra sugar. If the level is too high and your kidney cannot absorb it all, the rest is discharged through urine. This makes you feel thirsty. The more you drink, the more frequent your urination will be
• you feel tired without any reasons and sleepy? This is another sign of diabetes type 2. The reasons why this symptom happens is because of body imbalance and also dehydration.
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