Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Causes of Post Menopausal Bleeding | Treatment

As the name suggests, postmenopause is the normal phase in women after the phase of menopause -- every woman will experience it! In this phase, women don’t produce any egg to release or don’t have any menstrual cycle in the rest of their life. Bleeding during the phase of perimenopause is normal -- but after the phase of menopause, women should not have any vaginal bleeding! In other words post menopausal bleeding is not normal and should be analyzed /evaluated by a doctor to make sure there is no another serious health condition!

You might also like to know more about hot flashes after menopause in women, before continuing!

Therefore, it you experience vaginal bleeding (even a little bleeding /spotting) after the phase of your menopause, you need to see and consult with a doctor promptly! You should always remember that post menopausal bleeding is often linked to a number of serious causes!

Therefore, don’t choose ‘watchful waiting’ to see your doctor if you experience this symptom! Yes’ there is a chance that your symptom is caused by a minor problem, but there is also a chance that it may be caused by a serious health condition, like cancer. If the cancer is to blame -- the sooner you get the appropriately treatment, the higher rate of having a full recovery and better chance of having prognosis.

The diagnosis of the cause of vaginal bleeding in postmenopause!

To make a diagnosis of the cause of your vaginal bleeding after the phase of your menopause, your doctor usually will ask and learn more your medical history. Then he/she will perform several tests (either non-physical tests or physical tests) before making a diagnosis.

Some of these tests may include: dilation & curettage, endometrial biopsy, hysteroscopy, and transvaginal ultrasound -- talk more with a doctor or gynecologist for more in-depth information about these tests.

Health conditions that can lead post menopausal bleeding!

There are some causes of post menopausal bleeding that are related to certain health conditions. The following are some common health problems that are linked or can contribute in causing abnormal vaginal bleeding during postmenopause:
  1. Uterine/endometrial cancer -- cancer in the lining of uterus!
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia! Poor progesterone & too over estrogen are usually factors that can lead to the thickness of the uterus lining. This condition can contribute in causing vaginal bleeding. Women with endometrial hyperplasia also have a chance of having endometrial cancer.
  3. Abnormal post menopausal bleeding also can be caused by the thinning of the endometrium! This condition is often called as endometrial atrophy. After the phase of menopause, the tissue which lines the uterus (also known as endometrium) usually will become thinner (very thin). This is usually caused by too low level of estrogen hormone.
  4. Polyps, which usually grow inside the cervical canal, on the cervix, and in the uterus!
Other possible causes may include; use of specific medications (like blood thinners), infections in the cervix or uterus, and use of hormone therapy. Furthermore, there may be also other types of cancer that may cause abnormal vaginal bleeding during postmenopause!


The treatments that will be given are usually closely associated to the cause of postmenopausal bleeding itself.
  1. Surgery! It is one of common options if the cause of the abnormal vaginal bleeding is endometrial cancer and polyps. For endometrial cancer, this surgery is usually intended to remove the cervix and uterus. Sometimes, the extra procedures (such as chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and radiation therapy) are also needed to treat more advanced endometrial cancer! And for polyps, the surgery is usually required to remove these polyps! 
  2. Medication and therapy! Medication alone is usually given if the cause is endometrial atrophy. And for endometrial hyperplasia, it may be cured with progestin therapy -- sometimes it may also needs the surgery option to remove/overcome the thickened endometrium!
Once again don’t get the conclusion on your own of your post menopausal bleeding -- talk and consult immediately with a doctor to get a clearly diagnosis, more advices, and the right treatments!
Reference: WebMD
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Causes of Post Menopausal Bleeding | Treatment By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-05-08T03:07:00-07:00 Causes of Post Menopausal Bleeding | Treatment 3 11 reviews