Thursday, March 1, 2012

When to Contact a Doctor (Yeast Infection in Women)?

One of the frequent asked questions is when you call a doctor if you have yeast infection? As well we know when talking about yeast infections in women then vaginal yeast infection is the major case!

The big reason of this infection is an overgrowth of Candida yeast. This yeast usually normally lives in some areas of the body (including in the genital area). The problem occurs when due a certain condition or external factor, the environment of Candida yeasts can be so ideal to make them to overgrow (read more about causes of vaginal yeast infections).

When you need to call doctor immediately?

The appropriately treatment is so important to cure yeast infection effectively. According to ‘HealthWise’, you should call your doctor immediately or other health professional (including gynecologists, nurse practitioners, internists, and physician assistants), when you:
  1. Are being pregnant. In order to avoid any serious problems, you need to call a doctor immediately when you feel any signs of vaginal infection or UTI (urinary tract infection) during pregnancy.
  2. Along with a vaginal discharge, you get fever (about “38” degrees Celsius / “101” degrees Fahrenheit - or higher) and lower abdominal pain. This indication may also put you at the diagnosis of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease).
When you should make an appointment within ‘1 week’ with your doctor?

However, the step to call a doctor or other health professional as soon as possible when you have any yeast infection symptoms is much better and so recommended. But due certain reasons, you may need to wait until you find the clearly symptoms.

According to ‘HealthWise’, you can contact your doctor or other health professionals for an appointment within 1 week, when:
  1. You have not been using antibiotics, but you have some signs-return within two months.
  2. You have unclearly symptoms that may direct to vaginal yeast infections. In other words, you still in doubt that your symptoms are vaginal yeast infection.
  3. You feel vaginal itching, particularly unusual itching!
  4. You are using a nonprescription medicine but the symptoms keep continuing. It is much better to discuss first with a doctor before you choose and take a home treatment with nonprescription medicine.
  5. You feel uncomfortable pain when you pee or in your sexual intercourse.
  6. You get an unusual vaginal discharge, and you have never vaginal yeast infection before!
In addition, sometimes the symptoms of mild yeast infections will go on their own after several days. But if your symptoms continue, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible! Consult more with a doctor for best advice about these issues!

Read also some helpful tips about how to prevent yeast infections!

-- Image credit to ‘Getty Images’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle When to Contact a Doctor (Yeast Infection in Women)? By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-03-01T03:32:00-08:00 When to Contact a Doctor (Yeast Infection in Women)? 3 11 reviews