Saturday, March 10, 2012

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men

Heart attack is one of the most popular serious diseases in this modern living. It can attack anyone, either men or women. And what are heart attack symptoms in men? Let’s explore more the answer in this article. Read also about heart attack signs in women!

In fact, (according to CDC) heart attack is the top cause of death for men in the U.S! About 427,000 men in the US were death due to this disease in 2003. Therefore, it’s so important for all of us to clearly understand and familiar enough with some common symptoms of heart attack in order to get better chance of survival.

Heart attack symptoms in men

According a published article by the American Heart Association -- in people who are getting a heart attack, they must get the right treatments immediately (at least 1 hour (or sooner is much better) after the symptoms start) to restore & repair the blood flow to the heart.

Recognizing a heart attack in men is slightly easier than in women, because men often experience a chest pain during a heart attack. The following are some common symptoms that can be a signal warning of a heart attack and you have to call 911 immediately:
  1. Unusual indigestion or abdominal discomfort!
  2. Pain or discomfort sensation in the certain areas of your body, particularly such as in the stomach, jaw, arms, back, and neck.
  3. Shortness of breath (either in men or women, this is one of the most often symptoms of a heart attack).
  4. Chest pain! It can be uncomfortable conditions in your chest, particularly like uncomfortable pressure, pain, squeezing, or fullness in your chest. Like mentioned before, this symptom is a classic heart attack symptom in men.
The symptoms may come on slowly progress or vice versa, which also can vary widely! So, you may experience very major symptoms or very minor symptoms. Even in several cases there are no any symptoms, particularly in people who have diabetes.

What you have to do if the heart attack symptoms appear?

Calling 911 immediately is the first thing you have to do! Don’t delay this procedure once you get one or some heart attack signs. Don’t ever try to go to the hospital by driving yourself unless you don’t have another choice!

And while waiting your ambulance after calling 911, the following are some helpful tips that you can do to help yourself or someone else with a heart attack:
  1. Get an aspirin, then chew & swallow it while waiting your ambulance! Talk with your doctor for more advices for this issue!
  2. Keep calm and don’t be panic! Stop your all activity, and then you can lie to get relax while waiting your ambulance.
  3. If the patient has stopped beating in his/her heart and stopped breathing and even she or he does not respond to stimulation. And at the same time AED device is on your hand -- then use it properly (follow all instructions on the device). AED will be helpful to restore the rhythm of the heart. But if this idea doesn’t work, the patient may need ‘cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (can be done by a trained person).
  4. Another helpful procedure is CPR, which usually can be done by a CPR-trained. CPR can be helpful if the patient is not breathing, does not a pulse, and becomes unconscious! When you need this procedure immediately to help someone else having a heart attack, a 911 dispatcher is usually able to give the instructions through the phone until the ambulance arrives.
The sooner you get into an emergency room when you are getting a heart attack will be so helpful to get a better chance of survival! Blood flow to your heart will decrease significantly or even be cut off during a heart attack, which eventually can lead to death (particularly if you don’t get the right treatment immediately).

-- Image credit to ‘Getty Images’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Heart Attack Symptoms in Men By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-03-10T21:42:00-08:00 Heart Attack Symptoms in Men 3 11 reviews