Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hidden Causes of Fatigue in Women

Well, do you know that there are some hidden causes of fatigue in women? Fatigue may be a symptom of an illness, even a serious illness, which mostly caused by minor problems.

You do your routine exercise properly and you have adequate sleep (sleep well) but you feel easy to get tired, why? Even your fatigue may go on for more than seven days (a week) and you don’t know the clearly answer about any cause of your fatigue. If you feel these symptoms you may need to see your doctor! Before seeing you doctor, you may find the answer by reading some hidden causes of fatigue below!


Anemia is something that often can lead to fatigue in women, especially for women in reproductive years, have recently given birth, have uterine polyps, or have heavy menstrual cycles. The poor O2 supply to your tissue & organs is the key why anemia can cause fatigue. Furthermore, anemia also can be triggered by kidney disease or other chronic disease! It also can be caused by internal bleeding and a deficiency of B12 vitamin, folic acid.

A blood test is usually needed to diagnosis someone has anemia or not. And for the treatment, one of the choices is by consuming iron-rich foods, like red meat, broccoli or spinach.

High intake of caffeine!

Caffeine overload can be a hidden cause of fatigue in some women! As well we know that caffeine is a stimulant but if we take it overload (too much) then will bring bad effect for the body – according to a health article published in the U.S pharmacist journal.

So, what you should do? You can continue to love drinking caffeine but make sure it is not too much (limit or even avoid it if necessary, particularly if you feel fatigue easily and you don’t know what the cause of your fatigue is). Not only coffee, there are also some foods that contain caffeine that you should also consider such as; soda and chocolate.

UTI – Urinary Tract Infection

Urgency or burning can be a sign that usually associated with a UTI in women, but sometime fatigue can be the single clue of urinary tract infection in women. Even there are mild symptoms or no signs of a UTI that eventually to make it go unnoticed.

In many cases, bacteria is the cause of urinary tract infection, which sexual intercourse (it can push bacteria to urethra from vagina) and poor bathroom hygiene are some instances that can higher the risk!

To diagnosis urinary tract infection, you may need to get urine-test! And for the treatment is usually easy and quick, which can be only oral antibiotic medication. But UTI can be a chronic disease sometimes, so don’t forget to ask to your doctor for more detailed information about preventive care.


Hypothyroidism is also familiar known as underactive thyroid, which can cause a little depressed, run down and sluggish for the body. And about 17 percent of women (especially for age of 60) will get thyroid disorder – according to the the American Thyroid Foundation.

If you have underactive thyroid, you may need synthetic hormones for the treatment (consult with your doctor for more detailed information). To detect the thyroid hormones, you can do a blood test, including T4, T3, and TSH.

What else that can be hidden causes of fatigue?
  1. Heart disease! The fatigue can be a serious symptom for your health if you have heart disease. As well we know that the heart has vital function to circulate the blood, and if it works improperly (with poor performance) then you can get fatigue easily.
  2. Food intolerances! Fatigue also can be the early sign if you get food intolerances. And if you suspect that foods you consume are the major cause of your fatigue then you may need to get an elimination diet (contact a nutritionist for more detailed information).
-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Hidden Causes of Fatigue in Women By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-02-08T01:38:00-08:00 Hidden Causes of Fatigue in Women 3 11 reviews