Friday, January 20, 2012

Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

(image credit to ‘TPGImages’)
Looking for early warning symptoms of Alzheimer’s? First, you have to clearly understand that these signs are not always clear-cut! Even you may be difficult to understand between dementia and Alzheimer’s. Read also about types of Alzheimer's!

Alzheimer’s is a kind of disease, and dementia is a group of signs, which can be loss of thinking, reasoning skills and memory. But Alzheimer’s does not always cause dementia. You may think that memory changes are a normal condition of age-related -- but if the memory problems have interfered with daily life, then it can be a warning sign of Alzheimer’s.

The following are common signs or symptoms of Alzheimer’s or other dementias (but don’t jump directly to the conclusion, make sure you contact your doctor for more detailed information)!

Memory loss

Individuals with dementia may still remember the older memories (so there is almost no problem with older memories), but they might be easily to forget recent events, dates or experiences that interfere with their daily life.

Anyone can forget and miss a certain details of a recent conversation or event, but individuals with dementia can forget the entire thing!

Something wrong with repetition

Commonly, people with dementia can ask the same question more frequently and they will keep asking with the same question! Moreover, they can repeat the same word for word or the same stories.

Something wrong with the language

Even people with dementia cannot be able to speak their language fluently (they cannot remember words of their language, even for some basic words). The way how do they speak can be contorted or difficult to follow!

Something wrong with the personality

Without any particular reason, individuals with dementia can be more emotional and easier to be angry. Therefore, they may have sudden mood swings! Furthermore, they also may not like their hobby anymore or something that they like before. Overall, there is something wrong with their personality.

Easy to get confusion (disorientation)

Other common sign is easy to get lost in places, particularly locations that they clearly know and so familiar before! They may also not recognize well their own neighborhoods anymore. Even, they cannot understand and do small tasks that they can do well before, such as cooking, making a cup of tea, etc.

Odd behavior

Well, anyone can miss and forget where they put keys from time to time. But if you have Alzheimer’s, you are more likely to put or save a certain object in the wrong place (inappropriate location), like putting milk in a place that near the sink or under the sink, putting a toothbrush in the refrigerator, and so on.

Poor of cleanliness

People with Alzheimer’s disease are likely less concerned with the cleanliness of their body and their environment. Therefore, they may often forget how to dress properly, or may begin wearing stained clothing and even stop bathing. In several cases, lack of hygiene is one of the most obvious symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.