Types of Sinusitis
Although it feels like just similar, various types of sinusitis may lead to varieties of treatments. In order to be able to prevent it or treat it earlier, the following sinusitis types need to be well understood:
• on-going runny, filled nose that cause pain on the face which stay after ten to fourteen days may be sinus infection symptoms that show a condition of acute sinusitis
• the above condition that keep going for a longer period, like around four to eight weeks is called subacute sinusitis
• in the later condition where inflammation happens around eight weeks or longer, the condition is named chronic sinusitis
• some people may have the symptoms go and come again several times in year, and they are experiencing recurrent sinusitis
Who Are Risky of Affected by Sinusitis
Is it only certain groups of age that becomes very sensitive towards sinusitis attack? Statistic recorded a surprising number within US region only that around thirty seven million people suffer from sinusitis annually. The sinusitis cases and sinus infection symptoms are various but at least one episode is experienced every year. There are conditions that make people have higher risks of sinusitis, among others:
• swelling in the membrane of nasal mucous
• drainage ducts blockage or various conditions that influence drainage ducts change of width
• polyps in the nasal
• allergies, infection and smoking. Allergies that infants suffer can be triggered by various factors like dirty environments.
Acute & Chronic Sinusitis Signs and Symptoms
Sinus infection symptoms can be divided into acute and chronic conditions. Acute sinusitis’ signs are including:
• losing sensitivity to smell, improving nasal discharge and stuffiness, also pressure on the face
• coughing, fever, feeling tired, and pain in the teeth or dental pain.
• acute sinusitis can be easily recognized if a person has two or more of the above conditions with nasal discharge colors and occurring green or yellow thick nasal discharge
Chronic sinusitis symptoms include:
• blockage in the nasal
• fullness feeling on the face
• fever, headache, nasal discharge that is discolored, tired and dental pain
Physical examination will need to be conducted by a doctor, when you are consulting the sinus infection symptoms that you have been experiencing. Several other procedures will need to be performed like checking out the tenderness of the sinuses, tapping teeth to check whether paranasal sinus condition appears and diagnostic tests of mucus culture.