Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer symptoms only appear when the cancerous cells are getting big enough. When it is still early and small, the signs are not very visible. This cancer normally grows outside of the pancreas area. Signs and symptoms are stated to be different in various locations:
• losing weight without any reasons, without diet and followed by darker urine are the first symptoms of affected pancreas head. The stool color is light, and the sufferer feels pains in the abdominal part, suffering from pain in the back as well as nausea and itching
• cancer in the tail or body of pancreas causing both pains at the back and stomach. It also makes the sufferer lose weight
Generally, pancreas head cancer’s symptoms occur earlier than the body or tail. In both cases, weight loss takes place. Get medical check-up as soon as possible.
Signs in the Gastrointestinal
Several pancreatic cancer symptoms below are some signs that sufferer can feel when the cancer grows. Since pancreas is located near digestive system, it is likely that gastrointestinal problems occur:
• pain in the stomach is felt by more than eighty percents of the sufferers. When the tumor grows bigger, the pain gets stronger. The pain can start from the upper part of the tummy and then spreads to the back. The pain sometimes comes and sometimes goes.
• some sufferers become more sensitive towards meal and often feel full. They also feel uncomfortable swelling in the tummy
• besides those signs, sufferers also feel nausea and experiencing diarrhea
Overall Body Symptoms
Symptoms that affect the whole body send a signal that the cancer has spread. Beware of extreme weight loss, losing appetite and malaise. Due to the problems in insulin production, some pancreatic cancer patients also suffer from diabetic condition. Another sign that can be observed visually is reflected through yellowish eyes and skin color. This is due to the blockage of the duct that influences the ingredients to be built up in the blood. Because of this condition, sufferers may also suffer from itch on the skin.
If the above pancreatic cancer symptoms are experienced, immediate treatment should be performed. Since early signs are not likely to occur, the only way to get everything checked out is through routine medical examination. Beware if anyone in the family has experienced similar problems. The risks may be improving if family history shows cancerous cases.