Campylobacter Infection
One of the most common bacteria that cause poisoning is campylobacter. This bacterium can make affected people to suffer from acute diarrhea. It is transmitted through unclean, dirty water and food or also unpasteurized milk. Other transmissions are possible to happen through contact with pets, infected babies and wild animals. Food poisoning symptoms caused by campylobacter infection include feeling nausea, experiencing stomach cramp, vomiting and diarrhea. Fever can also occur as a sign of infection. This infection can be harmful if it affects people with low immunity system or having low antibody. The impacts and risks of this poisoning can cause arthritis as well as problems in the nerve.
If you observe one of the signs above occur on your kids, it is very necessary to contact your family doctor. Usually, the procedure that the doctors need to take is observing the bacterium through sample of stool. If the indication of infection is found, your body will be able to naturally heal itself. Drinking lots of water can help to get rid of the poisons. It is also avoiding your body from dehydration. Prescribed antibiotics may be given in order to make infection less serious.
Bacterial Infection: Salmonella
Another common bacterial infection is caused by salmonella that can be transferred from animals and pets to human. However, this infection can also happen if you accidentally drink unpasteurized milk or the food that you eat is undercooked. Hence, it is very important to make sure that poultry products like chicken and eggs to be prepared well-cooked. Raw chicken and turkey are also susceptible with salmonella bacterium. Food poisoning symptoms caused by salmonella include stomachache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. Following those symptoms, affected persons usually lose appetite. Most of the cases of salmonella infection occur in Europe and North America.
How mild or severe is salmonella infection? What kinds of health problems that this bacterium can cause? One of the conditions that occur in a small percentage of people is called Reiter’s syndrome. In most cases, people can fully recover from this bacterium infection. Reiter’s signs include painful urination process, irritation in the eyes and pains in the joints that may lead to chronic arthritis.
When Should Medical Help Be Needed?
Food poisoning symptoms that need quick medical treatment are:
• feeling of dehydration, lower frequency of urination, feeling dizzy as well as sunken eyes
• infant and children can also experience diarrhea for more than two days
• vomiting and stomachache are extreme
• fever
• stool are black or bloody
• over saliva production
• confusion
• If some of the above signs occur just less than an hour after eating, you need to suspect of food poisoning condition.