Physical and Mental Decreases
Although it may sound a bit scary and serious, when talking about physical and mental decrease, the signs discussed are not something severe. Thyroid symptoms may result in lowering body stamina and level of fitness. Sufferer will find it easy to get tired. It starts with sleeping more but not making you feel better. Normally, eight hours sleep would be enough for healthy people. But in your case, more hours do not make you any fitter. Staying up all day long without a nap will be difficult. In addition to that, you may also feel anxious. In more severe condition, depression can occur. In the cases of hypothyroidism, sufferer can feel both panic as well as restless. Some really helps may be taken to calm the depression down. But when it doesn’t make you feel any better, there is a high possibility that you are suffering from thyroid disorder.
Weight and Cholesterol Concerns
The following thyroid symptoms that can help you measure whether disorder of thyroid condition occurs may sound a little bit funny. Consider difficulty of weight loss. You may figure out that after several weeks or months in attempting to cut down body mass results in nothing. While other people using similar methods already become successful dieters, your body mass remain the same. This condition also happens vice versa. When diet is done for both lowering health risks and to lose some fats, you should also watch out cholesterol level. When it is difficult to control and lowered, there might be a condition of hypothyroidism. Besides that, especially for women, the problems in menstruation irregular cycle as well as infertility issues can also be a sign of thyroid disorder.
Important Signs
The following are additional crucial thyroid symptoms that you should notice:
• changes on skin and, usually becoming drier. Skin can turn scaly while hair can be brittle and falling heavily. When the numbers of hairs fallen are more than usual and without any strong reasons, it may be a sign of thyroid problems
• uncomfortable feeling and enlarged neck like swelling; this makes you feel like something goes wrong with the neck even without feeling cold or influenza symptoms accompanying the discomfort
• pains in the muscles and joints
There is also another factor that you should consider. Family history can increase the risk factor and possibilities to inherit the triggering factors from your parents. Discuss and consult this condition with a physician if you are experiencing several changes above. Early treatments will help you faster.