Thursday, May 23, 2013

Menopause Symptoms, Menopause and Early Menopause

Menopause Symptoms

Menopause Symptoms, Menopause and Early Menopause. Women are mostly nervous about menopause since various impacts that they can be affected, from physical changes to emotional disturbances. Menopause is known as a stage where females are eventually aging in the way that they are no longer able to perform biologically as before. Period of menstruation stops and followed with decreasing sexual drive are common menopause symptoms. But, instead of getting nervous from anything unclear yet, it is strongly recommended to find out further about this condition, get familiar with it and figure out how to proceed with better understanding. All women will eventually come to this level, and various issues that make you worried can be tackled smartly.

Also read : menopause in young women

Menopause Causes
Biologically, every living being will age. This is how nature works and you’d better face it. What causing menopause is ovaries’ capability in producing eggs eventually ages and stops. Functioning eggs are no longer available. When a baby girl was born, she normally carries about one up to three million eggs. Throughout her life, these are lost. When a girl got her first menstruation, the approximate numbers of eggs remain around four hundred thousands, already degrading from the first amount she carries during birth. When a woman is having a menopause stage, the eggs amount only remain less than ten thousand eggs. The estrogen hormone also plays part in making various parts of body to work well or not. Estrogen loss causes many problems, including menopause.

Menopause Signs and Symptoms
General menopause symptoms are different from one woman to another. The most visible and easiest sign to notice is when menstruation stops for a year. It is natural process and totally fine. Sometimes, many women also experience often urination and sweats at night. Having sexual intercourse is no longer enjoyable since vaginal condition is not as humid as before. Menopause can cause dryness and triggers pain during intercourse. Unstable emotional condition can also occur in terms of improving anxiety and getting irritated. You will need to consult the doctor, however, if after menopause occurs, bleeding happens. It can be a symptom of uterine cancer. You will also need some helps if the symptoms of menopause make your daily activities disturbed.

Premature Menopause and Health Risks
In some cases, menopause symptoms and signs can occur earlier, such as under forty years old of age. It is not something natural to have premature menopause since it can send some signals of further problems of health condition. Below are some risks that women can get if they experience premature menopause:

• illness of autoimmune can attack the wrong part and causing early menopause. Since it affects ovaries, the process of hormone production is disrupted.
• in a very specific case, there is a condition where Turner’s syndrome happen. It is because of lacking in the second chromosome of X. It makes the ovaries abnormal in formation and function. As a result, early menopause occurs.

Detecting Premature Menopause
How to detect early premature menopause symptoms and prevent further health risks? The easiest sign is noticing and tracking if in twelve months is a row, you have missed you menstruation periods. Vaginal dryness can be a second sign besides irregularity in menstruation cycles. Notice this condition and consult a doctor to further analyze the symptoms.