Monday, July 9, 2012

Multiple Sclerosis Life Expectancy (Prognosis)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is not categorized into a group of fatal disease, but it is potentially debilitating disease which can affect the mechanism of the brain to communicate with certain parts of the body. Unfortunately, there is still no cure for this disease. The goals of the currently available treatments and medications are usually only purposed to slow down the progress of the disease, to manage the symptoms & to ease the MS attacks. What else you need to know about multiple sclerosis life expectancy? Take a few minutes to read the following pieces of helpful information!

You might also like to know more detailed information about types & stages and more facts of multiple sclerosis, before continuing!

Treatments for multiple sclerosis

Treatments /therapies to treat (manage) the multiple sclerosis symptoms!
  1. To reduce the fatigue symptom, certain drugs (like amantadine) may be effective!
  2. For uncontrollable muscle spasms or stiffness which typically present in the legs, some muscle relazants (like tizanidine and baclofen) are one of common options. But there are some side effects when taking these muscle relaxants. Patient may experience a dry mouth when using tizanidine, and weakness in the legs when using baclofen.
  3. There are also some physical therapies that can help patients for stretching & strengthening exercises! Ask your healthcare provider for more advices!
  4. People with MS also have higher chance of having problems associated with bowel control, mood disorder (like depression), or other pains. For these cases, doctors usually prescribe certain medications to treat these symptoms.
Strategies /treatments to modify the course of multiple sclerosis!

Some common prescribed drugs to slow the progression of the disease (or also familiar known as the disease modifying drugs) may include:
  1. Novantrone (mitoxantrone)! This drug is usually only prescribed for the severe stage of MS.
  2. Tysabri (natalizumab)! It is also only prescribed for the advanced stage of MS or when other drugs /treatments don’t work in modifying the course of the disease!
  3. Gilenya (fingolimod)! Like novantrone and tysabri, the use of gilenya also must be prescribed by a doctor. This drug is usually prescribed for once a day, and furthermore the heart rate of patient must be checked for 6 hours after the 1st dose.
  4. Copaxone (glatiramer)! The use of this drug is usually by subcutaneously injecting once a day. It works by blocking /restricting the attack of the body’s immune system on myelin.
  5. Other drugs to slow the progression of the disease are beta interferons (like Rebif, Betaseron, and Avonex)! The use of these drugs may cause some side effects, such as problems associated with liver. Therefore the liver enzymes of patient must be monitored as well with blood tests when taking these drugs.
Facts of multiple sclerosis life expectancy and prognosis

MS is not categorized into fatal disease

As written before, this disease is not fatal disease. Except in patients with severe MS (in rare cases) -- most MS cases are dominated with patients who still have a normal /near-normal life span. Furthermore, MS is not the common causes of their mortality, but more common due to the same conditions (such as cancer or heart disease).

Women have better prognosis than men

Gender is one of MS risk factors, which women are almost twice as likely as men are to have MS. But women are more likely to get a better outlook than men -- according to a published article on the official site of University of Maryland ‘Medical Center’.

Other factors that may influence the outlook of the disease may include:
  1. Having the onset of early MS symptoms in the age of 40 or older.
  2. Disability in rapid progression.
  3. Having initial signs of MS that also affect multiple regions or organs of the body.
  4. Patients with the progressive MS from the beginning!
  5. Incompletely remissions.
  6. Having initial signs of MS that also affect urinary control, mental functioning, or motor control!
Patients with one or some of these conditions are more likely to have a worse outlook of multiple sclerosis.

The suicide rate

People with MS at any stage must get more attention. However, there is higher chance of MS symptoms to affect the quality of life. They are at high risk of having depression. This is one of factors why the suicide rate is high in people with MS.

The progression of the disease

With the right treatments, patients can manage or treat their MS symptoms, and slow the progression of the disease! There are about 2/3 of all patients with MS don’t require wheelchair after 20 years of the diagnosis. But most of them also may require crutches /cane for their walking assistance.

Overall, the progression of MS varies widely, and is more likely to become unpredictable. For more in-depth information about the multiple sclerosis life expectance and treatments, don’t forget to discuss more with a doctor!
Reference: MayoClinic and
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Multiple Sclerosis Life Expectancy (Prognosis) By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-07-09T22:15:00-07:00 Multiple Sclerosis Life Expectancy (Prognosis) 3 11 reviews