Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Female and Male Fertility Clinic: How to Choose It?

For some couples who are difficult to have a baby, fertility clinic is one of popular options. The big question is how to choose the right one? As well we know the success rate is common issue that we need to concern carefully, but there are also other factors that you have to consider as well if you seriously want to get a successful fertility treatment.

The fertility problems should not only be focused to one of the partners, but both male and female should be checked for clearly diagnosis. And fertility clinic must be able to provide all that you want. Furthermore, you and your partner must feel comfortable in your surroundings -- this is important to make sure you can do your treatments conveniently! What else you need to know before making a choice?

The success rate and live birth rate

When you come to a fertility clinic, you will get the explanation about a lot of statistics on many things. Some of them are the clinical rate and live birth rate.
  1. The clinical rate or also called as the success rate is a parameter that can be used to represent the successful of some treatments from a fertility clinic to result pregnancy! In general, the success rate is the average calculation from several cases. However, the result can differ from person to person -- depending on the cause of the fertility itself and other factors (such as the age).
  2. Live birth rate! Sometimes this rate is also familiar known as take-home baby rate! And in many cases, the pregnancy rate is higher than the live birth rate.
Fertility clinic that has good history of the success rate and live birth rate should be prioritized on your first list! But don’t forget also to make sure you get the newest data of their clinical rate! Because there are also some clinics that only have data from 3 years ago or more -- this may not be enough for you to make a decision.

Furthermore, the success rate of a good fertility clinic should be above or equal with the national success rate on average.

What are factors that affect the success rate of a fertility clinic?

A fertility clinic usually has different level of success rate than others. Some common factors that can affect the calculation of the success rate are:
  1. The practice of the clinic’s treatment itself.
  2. The treatment type.
  3. The characteristics of the patients, such as different condition in length (duration) of infertility, age, health conditions, and diagnosis
What are other points you need to consider on choosing fertility clinic?

Choosing a fertility clinic is so crucial! Therefore once again, before making a decision -- you need to ask some important questions to yourself and your choice. Below are helpful checklists to filter your choices on finding the right one for you and your partner:
  1. How old are they? Some of them with a lot of experiences are more likely to provide more professional services with more satisfied results in treating fertility problems.
  2. It’s better to prioritize a good clinic in your local area where you can visit it more easily.
  3. Consider about the efficiency! High number of staff turnover is one of indications for inefficiently management which then can affect the success rate of your treatment. Remember once again, the feeling of comfortable to your surroundings is so important!
  4. What is a kind procedure or method that you will do, and don’t forget also to ask how often you need to do it! Make sure you choose fertility clinic that has modern service of new technology, because there is always something new of the infertility treatment.
  5. Is there any procedure for age limits? This is another good sign that your choice also concern to what we call as ‘ethical issues’!
  6. When you need to choose reproductive assistance like in-vitro fertilization (a special method to create fertilization outside the body), don’t forget to ask about who will decide the number of eggs that will be placed back in?! This is so crucial because more than one egg planted will have higher chance to result multiples pregnancy.
  7. Ask more and more before signing! If they think that you ask too much and they refuse to answer your questions because they claim they are too busy -- it’s much better to consider another clinic! This can be a sign that they may also not have time to give answers your questions once you are their patient. A fertility clinic usually has a facility for counseling, use it optimally to consult what you want!
  8. A fertility clinic can have a lot of patients at the same time, and this can increase the chance of getting treatment for multiple menstrual periods. Therefore, don’t forget also to consider the number of cycles per year that you or your partner have!
  9. The cost of the treatment! To make sure there is no something wrong with your budget, it is much better to get to know the costs ahead of time. Be careful, there may be certain procedures for more aggressively treatments which then can increase your treatment cost more than you expected!
  10. If you live in the U.K, you can visit here to find more advice about several best fertility clinics in your local area!
You may also like to know pregnancy symptoms for 8 days after conception!
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle Female and Male Fertility Clinic: How to Choose It? By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-07-04T20:35:00-07:00 Female and Male Fertility Clinic: How to Choose It? 3 11 reviews