While understanding more about the types, symptoms and treatments, we should be well aware that anything too much will be harmful to our body. It can make blood system does not work well, the heart works too hard or some enzymes cannot be functioning properly. Types and Symptoms When human body has a problem with insulin, this is the stage of diabetes condition. The first diabetes type occurs when insulin is not produced sufficiently by the body.
This problem can be inherited. The second type of diabetes is unresponsive body towards insulin. This can be triggered by bad eating habit and lifestyle. Both types result in extremely high blood sugar which is dangerous to kidney and can cause stroke attack when blood pressure is also high. The effectiveness of treatments in dealing with diabetes lays primarily on different types and level of chronic condition of each individual. Carrier is more susceptible and sensitive to inherit the same condition, even in younger age. Some common symptoms that are visible when one suffers from diabetes are chronic skin damage or bleeding gums that require longer time to heal. People with diabetes also feels weak, always thirsty often drops in weight.
Dealing with It Here are some facts that people with diabetes or potentially susceptible to this illness should take into account:
• pancreas failure is the reason why insulin is not well secreted, and some natural healing treatment aim to rejuvenate the functions of pancreas in order to normalize insulin production. Insulin is important in keeping blood sugar level low.
• when a patient is detected with insulin-dependent case, there is no other way than taking a shot of insulin or else the condition can turn to be more severe.
• other common symptoms that may lead to diabetes is high frequent and amount of urination, constant hunger and thirst
• dealing with diabetes included closely tested glucose in the blood, that can be independently taken independently using personal tester device or through frequent home-care service
• beware of complication that may result in eye and nerve damage
• never leave oral medication even if natural herbs and therapy take place. Natural Treatments Some natural treatments that are proven effective in dealing with diabetes include:
• Aloe Vera, it can be juiced or cut and mixed with pure honey. Make sure to peel and wash it properly with hot water and a bit of salt to remove external gel that can cause itch
• supplements extracted from deep sea vegetations and animals that are highly recognized of it functions in rejuvenating cells that can improve pancreas function
• replacement high carbohydrate sources with high fiber consumption to prevent extreme increased blood sugar level; turn to brown rice and whole grain ingredients
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