Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cataract Surgery Recovery: How Long It?

There are natural clear lens in the eyes, and if it becomes clouded, a disease what we call as cataract will occur. Cataracts can be caused by some factors, but the natural process/progress of aging is the most common cause.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common choices to cure cataract. It is also one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States of America. Generally, this option is purposed to remove/clean the cloudy lens. This lens will be replaced by new & clear lens (man-made lens). Then, how long is cataract surgery recovery?

You might also like to know more about differences between optometrist and ophthalmologist (both are eye doctor), before continuing!

Almost ‘98-96 percent’ of all cataract surgeries are finished/completed every year and luckily with no any serious complications. Nevertheless, it is so important to always discuss with an eye surgeon before/after surgery until you get completely result.

A few weeks after surgery

Generally, patients usually need to cover their eye (with an eye shield or properly eyeglasses) at all times in the first 7 days. This is important to potect the eye with surgery from being rubbed or bumped, because the incision can lose the balance easily by a small amount of pressure.

Other things should be avoided in the first 7 days that can open the incision may include;
  1. Straining to the point of keeping one’s breath, such when you need to get a bowel movement on toilet. This straining can increase the pressure in the incision.
  2. Lifting heavy weights (more than 10 lb, for example).
  3. Bending/ducking with your head below your waist!
In addition, in the weeks after surgery you may also need to take anti-inflammatory & antibiotic eye drops to control inflammation and eliminate infection.

What else you need to know after cataract surgery?
  1. You may feel some mild symptoms (such as mild discomfort, and itching). These symptoms are normal, and your doctor may recommend tylenol or other pain relievers to minimize these discomforts.
  2. You may also slightly senstive to the light, but don’t worry it usually occurs temporarily for a short time.
Other tips that may be recommended by your doctor to minimize recovery time of your cataract surgery may include:
  1. Avoid rubbing your eye!
  2. Avoid any activities or exercises that can make longer your recovery time; such as getting a hot tub or swimming, particularly in the first 7 days.
  3. Keep your health as well, particularly from any diseases that can make you get vomiting or sneezing!
  4. Keep far away from dirty air, dust, grim, or even wind in the first few weeks!
  5. Avoid driving, especilly on the first day or for the first week after surgery!
  6. Talk more with your eye doctor to get more advices!
How long is the recovery time?

The cataract surger recovery time is slightly different from person to person. Some patients may get a significant improvement the day after surgery, while others may need about a month to get the maximum improvement.

The day when you get a new prescribed glasses & final prescription can be one of signs that you have got your maximum improvement after cataract surgery. In many cases, patients got their maximum improvement after a few weeks /a month after the surgery.
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration