Friday, April 6, 2012

Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer

What is Stomach ulcer? It is also often familiar known as peptic ulcer disease, particularly gastric ulcers. Peptic ulcers usually refer to the painful ulcers or sores in the lining of duodenum (the first segment of the small intestine) or the stomach. What are symptoms of stomach ulcer? And, how serious is this disease?

You might also like to know more about stomach ulcer treatment options, before continuing!

Until today, there is still no clearly single cause that has been found to answer the cause of ulcers. But today, many experts believe that an ulcer is the end or final result of an imbalance problem between digestive fluids in the duodenum & stomach.

According to a published article in WEBMD, ulcers may be caused by:
  1. Excess acid that is produced from gastrinomas.
  2. Use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin.
  3. Infection that is caused by H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori). It is a type of bacteria.
In addition, there are also other categories of peptic ulcer disease; duodenal ulcers (the term used to describe peptic ulcers that occur on the inside of upper small intestine (duodenum), and esophageal ulcers (the term used for peptic ulcers that affect the inside of esophagus (location for the food that you eat to travel from throat to stomach)).

How serious is a stomach ulcer?

In some cases, the symptoms of stomach ulcer may heal on their own way! Nevertheless patient should not underestimate their warning signs. Even not-properly treated ulcer may lead to some health problems, which may include: gastric outlet obstruction, perforation, and bleeding.

As mentioned before, if you have a stomach ulcer, you should avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you don’t have the choice, talk first with your doctor!

Furthermore, the risk should be especially concerning for individuals who have higher risk of ulcer, like people with family history of ulcers, and elderly.

Symptoms of stomach ulcer

What do stomach ulcers feel like? There are several common signs of stomach ulcer. But don’t get directly to the conclusion just from the symptoms that you experience.

Talk with your doctor if you seriously want to get clearly diagnosis. A doctor may be able to make a diagnosis of this disease just from symptoms that you have. But however, in order to get clearly diagnosis and to confirm it strongly, your doctor may also recommend some tests.

Then one thing that also you should remember that people with stomach ulcers may experience with or without symptoms. And if the signs occur, below are some of them:
  1. Vomiting or nausea.
  2. Uncomfortable bloating.
  3. Heartburn (it is more likely to be an irritation in the esophagus that usually can be caused by acid that comes up (refluxes) from your stomach).
  4. At night or between meals, you may experience a gnawing pain (particularly in the upper or middle stomach).
Some patients with this disease may also experience severe symptoms of stomach ulcer, which may include:
  1. More pain in the upper to mid of abdomen.
  2. Vomiting but with blood, the appearance may be like a coffee-grounds.
  3. You experience weight loss without unclearly reason.
  4. And even due to severe bleeding then you may also get black or dark stool.
You may also like to read about stomach flu (gastroenteritis)!

-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’
Health Tips And Lifestyle Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-04-06T21:53:00-07:00 Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer 3 11 reviews