Friday, April 13, 2012

How to Get Over Depression?

There are many ways on how to get over depression! The method to treat this disorder can be different from person to person, and there are also some factors that can influence on how to choose the best one of these methods to treat someone with depression. One of these factors is the special situation of depression.

For example, the ways that should be taken to get over depression in men may be slightly different (or sometimes very different) for ways to treat depression in women. The same condition for depression in elderly people and treatment-resistance for depression (it usually refers to signs of depression that are not responding to psychotherapy and/or medications).

Overall, the best treatment for an individual with this disorder is closely dependent on the conditions of the patient itself.

Some common ways to get over depression

Once again, there are a lot of ways to treat this disorder (for in-depth information you should talk with a doctor or psychiatrist). And some of them may include:


There are some treatments options to treat depression. Once the diagnosis of depression is made, doctor will analyze the kind of treatment that can work well for their patient. The kind of treatment is closely dependent on the type depression of patient.

For instance, some individuals with clinical depression may be prescribed with antidepressants, while other are more recommended getting psychotherapy, or even some of them may need both psychotherapy and antidepressants.


The procedures to decide the best one of medicines that should be given are also not easy! Doctors need more efforts to make sure that medicines for their patients are safe enough, particularly for patients who have also other health conditions (like kidney disease or heart disease).


In many cases, this is believed one of the most effective ways to treat clinical depression. But it may be not too effective for severe depression. However, with other treatments, psychotherapy may give a significant contribution to treat any types of depression.

ECT (electric shock treatment)/ VNS (vagus nerve stimulation)

ECT and VNS may be the latest options after treatments, medicines, or psychotherapy fails to cure depression. They are usually one of common options to treat severe depression! They also can be common way to treat treatment-resistance for depression.

Other ways

And other common ways on how to get over depression are cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and interpersonal therapy.

Additionally, according to the National Institute of Mental Health -- if you experience some depression symptoms, and you still don’t know who you should call for help, below are a helpful list:

Alternative Treatments (home remedies) to get over depression!

There are also some natural therapies that you can use to treat your depression. But there are still no conclusive evidences that these ways can help severe depression.

However, many people with depression (particularly for ‘not severe depression’) may feel that natural therapies are relatively friendlier to treat their depression symptoms.

But before going to decide what is a kind of natural therapy or home remedy that you want to use, much better to consult first with your health care provider.

And some of these natural therapies may include: Yoga, meditation, hypnosis therapy, guided imagery, biofeedback, acupuncture, relaxation therapy, massage therapy, dietary foods or supplements, treatments with chiropractic, and aromatherapy.

What else you should know about alternative treatments or home remedies to get over depression? The following are some helpful FAQs:
  1. There are a lot of herbal supplements to choose from, which is one of them that can help depression? St. John’s wort supplement is one of the common answers.
  2. Can you use music therapy to repair your mood? Yes, for some people it can help and even sometimes can give a significant positive effect to lift mood.
  3. How about with guided imagery? What is actually it? It is also often associated with visualization therapy that is aimed to promote relaxation response. Basically, it is a kind of therapy that explores communication between mind and body by using some perceptions (touch, smell, vision, taste)! For an example of this therapy, you may be asked to have and see more pictures that can lift your mood, like a wonderful mountain sunrise, sunrise on the beach, and so on.
  4. Can a kind of exercise help you to get over your depression? Doing a kind of exercise that you can enjoy can be helpful to promote good health and reduce stress! This is one of the reasons why exercise is believed one of good therapies to prevent or treat depression. For better result, you can try with different forms of exercises that you like!
  5. And how about with massage therapy and meditation? They also can be one of good ideas for some people that can be helpful to promote relaxation.
In addition, you may also like to read about what causes depression!
Reference: WebMD and MayoClinic
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle How to Get Over Depression? By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-04-13T05:33:00-07:00 How to Get Over Depression? 3 11 reviews