Many people will get some big meals in certain periods of time. But this can occur more often or even can be regular behavior in people with binge eating disorder! This disorder is one of serious eating disorders, which can be characterized or marked by frequently eat big meals or unusually large amounts of food! Since it usually can result obesity, if left untreated -- it can cause a lot of serious health problems. The next question, what you should know about binge eating disorder treatment?
You may also like to read causes of eating disorders, before continuing!
You may also like to read causes of eating disorders, before continuing!
Binge eating disorder is one of common types of eating disorders, which is relatively more common in men than in women. Other types are anorexia and bulimia nervosa, which are relatively more common in women than in men.
Most individuals with binge-eating disorder may be deeply shy about gorging & vow to stop! But they usually feel a compulsion that makes them be unable to resist the urges & then keep continuing their behavior to get binge eating.
The goal of binge eating disorder treatment
Proper treatments are so important to treat this disorder! In fact, many individuals with this disorder can control & get over their habit of overeating after getting the right treatment! Furthermore, the commitment of patient to treat their disorder also has a big role to the successful of the treatment.
However, binge eating disorder treatment is challenging, because most sufferers usually hide their problem (because they are more likely to feel ashamed of their binge eating disorder)! Even (in several cases) their best friends & their close family members don’t know their disorder.
Generally, a comprehensive treatment plan is needed to treat eating disorders! It also should be appropriately adjusted so thus will meet the needs of every patient. And the major goal of binge eating disorder treatment is to help patients gain control over their eating behavior!
Treatments of binge eating disorder
And below are some common treatments & strategies to treat this disorder (talk more with a doctor or psychiatrist or your health care provider for more in-depth information):
- Medications, such as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) may be recommended by doctor! SSRI is a kind of antidepressant to treat depression & anxiety associated with an eating disorder.
- A kind of counseling (friendly therapy), like psychotherapy! The goals of this therapy are focused on changes in thinking (or familiar called as cognitive therapy) and changes in behavior (or familiar known as behavioral therapy). Psychotherapy for binge eating disorder treatment may include practical techniques for improving healthy attitudes (behaviors) toward food & weight, and developing approaches of the right ways that patient should do to respond difficult situations.
- Other types of counseling (like nutrition counseling and a kind of therapy to educate the patient’s family)! Nutrition counseling is usually purposed for restoring normal eating patterns. With this counseling, the patient is intended to more clearly understand the importance of a balanced diet & nutrition. And for family therapy -- it is intended to make the patient’s family give more support to the patient! With this therapy, family members will also be educated to clearly understand about symptoms (signs) of binge eating disorder, and how to give the right supports to help the binge eating disorder treatment!
Reference: WebMD
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Reference: WebMD
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration
Health Tips And Lifestyle
Published: 2012-04-18T10:31:00-07:00
Binge Eating Disorder Treatment (Medication – Psychotherapy)