A condition when the body’s immune system overreacts to against infections is what we call as ‘allergies’. As well we know that the body’s immune system has important function to protect the body from unfriendly bacteria and viruses, and usually antibodies will be produced by the body’s natural defense system to fight those unfriendly bacteria and viruses.
-- You might also like to read about lupus skin rash and allergic reaction to mosquito bites, before continuing!
-- You might also like to read about lupus skin rash and allergic reaction to mosquito bites, before continuing!
But in the condition that familiar known as ‘allergic reaction’, overreaction of the natural defense system can occur to begin fighting certain harmless substances (like a certain medicine, pollen, or dust mites), which eventually can cause a runny nose, itchy eyes, allergic reaction rash, and even diarrhea, nausea, or trouble breathing!
Let’s explore more about rash!
We all have a natural barrier to protect our body, this barrier is our skin. But there are also some health problems that can attack skin, one of them is rash.
Generally, skin irritation is the most common cause of rashes. Some factors that irritate the skin and eventually can lead to a rash in some people are;
- Latex! There are some people who are easy to get rash due to rubber latex, such as; individuals with multiple surgeries, workers in rubber industry, or else that are exposed on a regular basis with rubber products.
- Certain fabrics or jewelry.
- New objects, like new appliances, toy, or other tools.
- Lotions, shampoos, cosmetics, detergents, or soaps.
- And certain plants like poison sumac, oak, poison ivy, or other poisonous plants!
- Etc.
Within 48 hours after contacting with a certain irritating substance, the rash will begin to develop. But the rash doesn’t always occur once you contact with irritating substance. In addition, contacting with irritating substance is also familiar called as contact dermatitis.
Treatment tips
If you have family history with allergic reaction rash, then your risk to get the same condition is higher -- according to NIH (the National Institute of Health).
In many cases, a rash is not a major problem of health -- in other words with home treatment may be enough to treat a rash. But in some cases, rash can be severe or so irritated that need medical care for the treatment.
If you are an individual who is easy to get allergic reaction rush, then the key is you have to avoid any source of the allergen! And if the rash occurs, the following are some common treatment tips:
- First you have to know the allergen that can cause the rash on your skin! As mentioned before, there are a lot of allergens. Identify some of them that can trigger your rash. For example, if the allergen is soap or detergent, change and find another detergent or soap that is safe for your skin. According to the National Institute of Health, some of the most common allergens are pollens, medications, bee sting, plants, food, and dander from pets.
- Then cool compress the skin areas affected by rash!
- Then you can also try with hydrocortisone (1%) cream. You can get it in a local drugstore without prescription! And follow completely the manual instructions of your hydrocortisone cream!
- And don’t forget to see a doctor if you want to get more advices to treat properly your allergic reaction rash, especially if your rash is getting severe.
-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’
Health Tips And Lifestyle
Published: 2012-04-02T05:01:00-07:00
Allergic Reaction Rash: Tips for the Treatment!