Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs

The inabilities of the dog’s heart to supply adequate blood circulation to meet the requirements of the body can lead to some serious health problems. Congestive heart failure in dogs is usually the term used to describe these conditions. The circulatory failure can impair the function of lungs, liver, and kidneys, or other organs of the dog’s body, which eventually can lead to a problem implicating multiple organs!

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Congestive heart failure (CHF) in dogs is relatively more common in older dogs. The change of acquiring the disease in your dog is closely associated to the family history of your dog itself. In other words, genetic has a big role of developing CHF!

Symptoms of congestive heart failure in dogs

If the failure has occurred, the dog with CHF may not have any symptoms for many months or even for many years (in rare case). But if the signs are present, what are common symptoms of CHF in dogs?
  1. Intermittent coughing, easily to get tired, and a clearly decreased level in their activity are some common early signs! During periods of excitation or exertion is usually the common time for coughing. The coughing is also more common at night (about 1.5 to 2 hours before going to sleep). Furthermore, dogs may not be quickly or comfortably settling down to sleep but more likely to be restless-pacing!
  2. The next progress of the symptoms may include loss of weight, rapid breathing, swelling of abdomen, and decreased appetite.
What else you need to know for the symptoms of CHF in dogs?

Dogs with congestive heart failure, their heart cannot pumps blood optimally. This condition causes blood backs up in the legs, liver, lungs or other organs. More fluid that leaks into the peritoneal cavity and lungs occurs due to the increased level of pressure in the veins. And more fluid in the dog’s lungs will cause the coughing.

Dogs with CHF may also experience what we call as ‘pulmonary edema’. It is a rapid progress of the fluid accumulation in the small airways. It can be the indication that the left ventricle is fail to work.

This ventricle failure can make the fluid leak into the dog’s abdomen, which will cause ascites (portbellied appearance). This symptom may come with legs swelling or not!

Finally in the severe levels of congestive heart failure in dogs, the symptoms may include:
  1. Pulse is often irregular & rapid.
  2. Because of lack of O2, the look of gums is more likely grayish rather than pink!
  3. Dogs will sit with their head extended & their elbows spread.
  4. Dogs will experience labored breathing.
  5. There is a thrill over the chest that can be felt easily.
  6. With exertion or stress -- the dogs with severe congestive heart failure can faint easily!
Contact a veterinarian to get more advice and clearly diagnosis about symptoms of congestive heart failure in dogs!

-- Image credit to ‘Getty Images’
Health Tips And Lifestyle Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-03-14T22:08:00-07:00 Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs 3 11 reviews