Friday, March 16, 2012

Lewy Body Dementia Symptoms and Prognosis

As the name suggests, ‘DLB’ or ‘Dementia Lewy Bodies’ is the familiar term used for a dementia that is caused by lewy bodies in the brain. DLB is a group of disorders!

There is still unknown reason for the presence of leyw bodies in the brain. It is basically normal proteins (small round clumps) in the brain. But without unclearly reason, these clumps become abnormally clumped inside brain cells (neurons). And the new abnormally clumped then will impair the function of the brain cells or even will kill the brain cells.

Lewy body was described for the first time by Frederich Lewy in 1912! The following are pieces of helpful information about DLB symptoms and prognosis!

Lewy body dementia symptoms

There are several symptoms or signs of DLB. And these signs are relatively different from person to person. But a progressive & significant loss of mental abilities is the most common symptom in people with DLB. This can give effect to the daily lives of patient, which may include:
  1. In many cases, people with DLB will experience loss of recent memory!
  2. Misperceptions of time & space.
  3. Patients may be difficult to get a successful concentration. In other words, they have a problem to pay attention.
  4. Patients may also have problem to think or make an analysis as well as like normal people. And these problems will be getting worse.
The progress of Lewy body dementia symptoms is also different from person to person.

Furthermore, the other symptoms of Lewy body dementia may include; fainting without unknown reason, delusions, depression, agitation, visual & nonvisual hallucinations, or muscle stiffness!

In people with DLB, they usually have periods of being oriented, coherent, or alert that alternate with periods of being less responsive and confused! Some experts believe that this condition is the most characteristic of DLB.

However, none of the DLB symptoms are special or unique that can be used to make a diagnosis. Even there is still no clearly way to confirm Lewy body dementia in a living person. In other words, DLB’s definitive diagnosis is possible to be made only after death. Moreover, there are also still no-clearly-symptoms to distinguish between people with DLB and people with Alzheimer’s disease!

Lewy body dementia prognosis

DLB is also gradually progressive as well as other degenerative dementia types (like Alzheimer’s disease). What else you should know?
  1. Finally, DLB can give a significantly effect to the carrier of people with Lewy body dementia. They usually decide to get the early retirement.
  2. Then they also get inability to drive their car safely. And for this case, caregivers or care team should be involved for the driving privileges.
  3. As the progress of the disease, the symptoms are also getting worse. People with DLB eventually are not able to care their self.
  4. Overall, the disease will shorten life expectancy of patient.
  5. And in many cases, a complication of the disease is usually the major factor that can lead to the death.
  6. When the disease has been severe, people with DLB usually will have limited ability for the movement of their body.
  7. Then the risk of difficulty to walk & poor balance will increase.
  8. Then they may also get difficulties swallowing. This can be so harmful for their body, because they will have poor nutrition.
  9. And finally, they will be immobile. This condition can cause pneumonia, skin problems, or other serious complications.
Don’t forget to talk with your doctor to get more detailed information about Lewy body dementia symptoms and prognosis!

-- Image credit to ‘shutterstock’
Health Tips And Lifestyle Lewy Body Dementia Symptoms and Prognosis By Health Tips and Lifestyle Published: 2012-03-16T05:31:00-07:00 Lewy Body Dementia Symptoms and Prognosis 3 11 reviews