Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Norovirus: How to Prevent Infection with It?

How to prevent infection with norovirus? There are some serious bad effects that can be caused by norovirus, include acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis, food poisoning, and food infection. It is also known or called ‘calicivirus’ or ‘Norwalk-like virus’! If you seriously want to prevent the infection with it, one of the most recommended tips is by keeping clean your body and far away from it.

You might also like to know about norovirus symptoms and causes, before continuing! The following are more tips in order to prevent an infection with noroviruses.
  1. Keep well the cleanliness of your toilet!
  2. Consider the cleanliness of your hands before and after eating food. Therefore, don’t forget to always wash your hands properly, particularly if you have just used the toilet or changed any diapers! Wash also your hands before preparing food!
  3. You can utilize a bleach-based household cleaner to disinfect & clean immediately the contaminated surfaces after having diarrhea or vomiting. 
  4. Then much better to boil your drinking water if you feel it is contaminated! Don’t have opinion that water filters will be effective to remove the virus! And after boiling your drinking water then you can refrigerate or cool it.
  5. With soap and hot water then wash immediately soiled linens or clothing after having diarrhea or vomiting.
  6. Don’t miss also to consider the cleanliness of the food that you want to eat, such as steam oysters, vegetables, fruits -- Wash them properly before you eat them. Wash also any fruits that usually you can eat them without washing them first, like banana, orange, etc.
  7. It is better to not participate to prepare food if you feel any symptoms or signs of food poisoning, including 3 days after recovering.
-- Credit image to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration